Tips for playing Suspects: Mystery Mansion
Based on the gameplay of Among Us but Suspects: Mystery Mansion comes with some unique features, making this game more interesting and engaging. Check out our beginner's guide to Suspects: Mystery Mansion for tips, strategies, and become an expert in no time.
Tips for playing Suspects: Mystery Mansion
Please complete your mission
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When playing as a guest, certainly no one wants to give the killer more time to act. So complete your mission as fast as possible to put the killer in a hurry. Then that person will start to make mistakes and people can easily recognize who is the impostor. Divide tasks among team members to complete them quickly.
Avoid letting others distract you
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Always evaluate the situation with your sanity and discernment. The killer is hiding as a guest and he will try to confuse everyone to easily win. Don't completely listen to others and don't trust anyone. Put your vote to remove the impostor based on what you have observed and felt.
Do not follow other players
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The mission of the killers is to track down the guests and kill them. Imagine everyone is playing as a guest, but lazily watching other players. They won't know if it's the guest or the killer. Some may feel bewildered and report people as impostors. What took the visitors team one step closer to defeat. Just avoid moving around too much and focus on completing your mission
Be a useful ghost
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Upon death, the guest player will know who the impostor is. But if everyone told their teammates, the game would be completely ruined. Absolutely do not talk or reveal any information after death. Ghosts can still complete their unfinished missions and help teammates to win the match.
Unlock more advanced roles
Players can unlock 2 roles of guard and inspector after reaching a certain IQ point. Inspectors can analyze and recognize the whereabouts of the killer. Civil defense has the power to destroy the killer.
Tips for playing Suspects: Mystery Mansion Picture 5
Use these two special roles effectively. Never reveal your identity as an inspector, or the killer may come and eliminate. If you're a vigilante and kill anyone who isn't an impostor, you'll be killed instead. So always be sure before you decide, one mistake can change the whole game.
Do not destroy anyone in front of others
This is definitely the dumbest mistake a killer can make. As a murderer, killing someone in front of other people will end up being kicked off the playing field. Watch carefully, thoroughly before acting, and only kill when no one is around.
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