The panic of deer staggered to jump to suicide bridge in America

The video recorded scenes of panic deer crossing the street, jumping off the bridge and falling straight to the ground, causing many people to be surprised and frightened.

The video recorded scenes of panic deer crossing the street, jumping off the bridge and falling straight to the ground, causing many people to be surprised and frightened.

This heartbreaking incident was recorded by Catherine Veerhusen at about 3:15 pm on December 10 on the 80th Street SW on Highway 30 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Veerhusen adds, at first the deer stood on the other side of the bridge, then suddenly a male deer shot across the road and jumped over the bridge to the ground, followed by 3 other deer jumping.

Veerhusen also posted a photo of the deer littering the ground under the bridge and shared: ' I have never seen them behave so strangely.'

According to Ron Lane, conservation officials at Iowa State Natural Resources Agency said the 80th Street SW bridge connecting highways 100 and 30 has just been put into operation in October, and it may be that the deer feel alienated. , panic with this change.

In addition, Lane added, during the deer hunting season, hunters swarmed deer from their natural habitat, making them disoriented. Chances are they just passed by and didn't know it was a 'dead road'.

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