The legend of Cuoi on the moon

Mid-Autumn Festival when watching the moon, people often tell each other about the legend of Cu Cu sitting on the moon, leaning against the dreamy root, watching the world.

Mid-Autumn Festival is a Tet holiday. Members are a day when the house is reunited with a tray, sipping a piece of sweet sweet moon cake, taking a sip of shy tea and watching the bright full moon. At the time of watching the moon, people often tell each other about the legend of Cu Cu sitting on the moon, leaning against the dreamy root, watching the world.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon

According to a father from a thousand years ago, in a certain area, there was a healthy boy named Cuoi living by cutting wood and hunting animals. Every day, Cuoi goes to the forest to cut firewood to market.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 1The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 1

One day, carrying an ax to search for firewood, when he came to a small stream, Cuoi was suddenly startled when he saw a large mysterious cave hidden under dense foliage. Cuoi approached and observed that 4 cubs were playing in the cave. As a hunter of wild animals, Cuoi immediately rushed in and swung powerful blows of axes to make four tigers collapsed on the spot.

The huge mother tiger, who had not returned since then, witnessed her children lying collapsed in a pool of blood, her mother's tiger roaring painfully, echoing the mountains and forests. Now, Cuoi realized the appearance of the mother tiger, Cuoi immediately ran, climbed on a high tree nearby to hide, startled and scared, Cuoi left the ax in the cave floor.

The mother tiger did not pay attention to Cuoi but quickly came to her children, her tiger growled angry and hurt. Then immediately, he approached the tree that Cuoi was hiding. Panic panic thought mother tiger attacked her. But the mother tiger just took the leaves from the side, chewed and went back to the 4 cubs and fed them.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 2The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 2

Oddly enough, right after eating the leaves, each tiger suddenly sat up, flipped its tail around his mother and continued to joke around like never before. After that, the mother tiger and the cub went to the forest together. Seeing all that, Cuoi went from panic to surprise and terror. When he saw the tigers were far away, Cuoi slowly climbed down, went back and forth around the tree to see what this tree had so miraculous. Looking forever and can not understand, Cuoi immediately hit the tree to bring home.

On the way, Cuoi still thought about the strange story just now. Suddenly Cuoi saw a begging old man lying under a tree, apparently he died of starvation. Quickly, Cuoi immediately poked that leaf, put it in his mouth, chewed it and put it in his mouth. Holding his breath watching, Cuoi saw the old man slowly open his eyes and regain consciousness. The old man knew he was resurrected, also surprised and asked Cuoi. With honesty, Cuoi brought the story of four tiger cubs to the old man. The old man said in astonishment to Cuoi:

- Oh my God, this is a miraculous thing, a fairy medicine, containing the thousand years of life of heaven and earth to have such miraculous magic. The heavenly man gave this medicine to help people in the folk.

He also carefully instructed Cuoi to take care of the medicinal plants carefully, every day he had to use pure rain water to irrigate the plants, absolutely not to use dirty water to pollute the sky, otherwise it will no longer work. period and immediately return to heaven.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 3The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 3

Listening to the old man, Cuoi neared a tree planting in an open place in the garden. Every day, Cuoi uses cool fresh water well, squeezed and showered and cared for plants carefully. Thanks to that, medicinal plants are growing and fresh.

Since having a medicinal plant, many villagers have been helped by Cuoi. Any disease, no matter how dangerous it is, Cuoi just needs to use a few chewed leaves to help the dead resurrect. Far away, many people who are seriously ill from other places also come to Cuoi for treatment.

There are precious medicinal plants, but every day Cuoi still goes to the forest to collect firewood and bring them to market. One day, meeting a dog lying dead on the bank of the stream, Cuoi lovingly took him to the garden, picked up the leaves of the gods and rescued the dog back to life. When he regained consciousness, the dog refused to leave but kept tangerine wrapped in Cuoi, and since then, Cuoi and his dog have been friends for days.

In the neighboring village, there was an extremely rich man, and he had a very beautiful daughter but had just fallen into a stream and drowned. Knowing Cuoi had precious medicinal plants, he ran to beg Cuoi to save his only daughter. Being kind-hearted, Cuoi brought a few leaves with him, and he went to save the girl. And this time, the miraculous thing happened, the girl resurrected and was extremely grateful to Cuoi, immediately fell in love and offered to be married with Cuoi. He was also very happy when his daughter was married to a nice, good guy who had a medicinal plant that could cure the disease.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 4The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 4

Happy life of Cuoi husband and wife so smoothly passed. Until one day, a group of jealous bandits who hated knowing Cuoi had precious medicinal plants, had a beautiful wife, so when Cuoi went to the forest to search for firewood, he broke into the house, killed his wife and slaughtered him, and gutted him away. .

When he got home, Cuoi was shocked when he saw his wife lying dead on the porch, he quickly used the leaves of the gods to save his wife. But his wife could not relive because she had no intestines in her body, her body was no longer healthy. Seeing Cuoi in pain at his wife's body, the dog ran to the side, licking lick into Cuoi's hand, wishing to use his intestines to save the mistress. Injury to the dog but also did not want to lose his wife, please follow. Unexpectedly, his wife immediately woke up and rose again.

After that, Cuoi and his wife used clay to shape into the intestine, put it in the dog's abdomen and saved the dog to resurrect. And so the peaceful life returned to the Cuoi family, the two of them had a happy time, the dog always wrapped tangerines on the owner.

The tribulations were over, but one day, when Cuoi was away from home, Cuoi's wife replaced her husband to take care of the magic tree, but she forgot her husband's words and took dirty water to irrigate the plants. Soon after, the sky suddenly started to wind, the earth shook, the tree shook for a long time and then turned its roots to the sky.

At that moment, Cuoi returned, saw the god tree slowly flying up high, followed, hooked the ax into the tree roots, using his strength to pull the tree back. But the strength of young men and boys, though strong and strong, cannot fight against the heavens and the gods and trees growing up. Cuoi still refused to give up, firmly grasped on the handle of the ax, and the god flew to the sky. Until it reached the moon, the new tree stopped and stayed still as if nothing had happened.

The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 5The legend of Cuoi on the moon Picture 5

So Cuoi was stuck here and could not return. Since then, Cuoi lived on the moon with a tree.

Mr. Cuoi with Trung thu full moon

So on the full moon day of August, every time I looked up, the moon saw black shadows like Cuoi's head leaning against the tree, looking down on the earth where his gentle wife was.

There are many different versions of the legend of Cuoi on the moon, but all are created by people to have interesting fairy tales, to explain to their children about the wonders in nature. .

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