The highest quality, easiest to use, why FaceTime was defeated by Zoom between the Covid-19 pandemic

While millions of Americans are at home because of the Covid-19 pandemic, FaceTime usage has remained virtually unchanged, but rival Zoom is seeing usage spike.

According to recent survey results, Americans love Apple's FaceTime video voice app. But they don't use them for group video calls. As a result, while millions of people around the world are quarantined indoors, the number of FaceTime users has not increased.

Instead, their rival, the Zoom app, became the most mentioned name with a 30-fold increase in users after the first three months of this year. Why is that?

Lacking cross-platform support, FaceTime's weakness in the middle of a pandemic

The highest quality, easiest to use, why FaceTime was defeated by Zoom between the Covid-19 pandemic Picture 1The highest quality, easiest to use, why FaceTime was defeated by Zoom between the Covid-19 pandemic Picture 1

A survey of American adults was conducted by Flixed, a streaming blog, to compare usage among video voice applications in the time period the reason for the Covid-19 translation.

The survey results show that there are many Americans prefer the FaceTime application. " People consider FaceTime to be the easiest to use service to date, it also ranks highest for video quality and overall comfort level ." Flixed said.

But Apple's application is popular only in direct calls to each other. The survey showed that FaceTime usage did not increase much during the corona virus outbreak. The survey showed that 37% of users used FaceTime before the United States entered the quarantine period, and that number remained almost unchanged during this blockade period.

Unlike other competitors, FaceTime appears only on iPhone, Mac, . Apple devices, there is no version for Android and Windows. " Because FaceTime can only be used by Apple product users, it is understandable that the current situation does not affect the popularity of this application - the level of user interaction. with an almost similar application before the Covid-19 outbreak broke out, "said Flixed.

The winner is Zoom

The highest quality, easiest to use, why FaceTime was defeated by Zoom between the Covid-19 pandemic Picture 2The highest quality, easiest to use, why FaceTime was defeated by Zoom between the Covid-19 pandemic Picture 2

While FaceTime usage has not increased much, the percentage of people using the Zoom app has increased from 41% to 55% during the crisis. This makes it the most used video telephony application in the Flixed survey.

It is worth noting in the results of this survey, Zoom won even though not the application with the best video or audio quality like Apple. FaceTime is also rated as easier to use. However, Zoom won because anyone could use it.

Despite this, Zoom's popularity is facing security issues. Currently, the company is still trying to solve these problems before many large organizations turn their backs on them.

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