The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield.

This shield can switch attacks, defenses flexibly, and makes Cap's attacks much more unpredictable and dangerous.

Although the last two Avengers, Endgame and Infinity War, were released one and two years ago, until now, fans have been talking about the Marvel duo. Understanding the love of the audience, this studio is also constantly 'teasing' draft script ideas, behind-the-scenes concept drawings that were never brought to the big screen.

Not long ago, Ryan Meinerding, Director of Photography at Marvel Studios, unveiled the idea that Thanos single-handedly crushed Captain America's Vibranium shield in Endgame, instead of slashing the fog half like it was in the release. Recently, he continued to share a concept art of Cap's deadly shield in Infinity War, before the fiercest battle broke out in Wakanda.

The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 1The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 1

This is probably the shield Cap used to fight the Outriders in Wakanda in Infinity War.

The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 2The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 2

The color and design of this shield is somewhat different from the released version.

After the events of Civil War, Captain America seemed to have lost too many associates when he tried to help Bucky Barnes, his best friend. Among them, Iron Man is probably the most indignant of Cap's decision, 'sulk' to the point that he reclaimed even Vibranium for the reason: ' My father created that shield, you don't deserve it it '. This is why when Cap brought Vision and Wanda to Wakanda, he was prepared by T'Challa for a brand new shield to prepare to fight Thanos.

Compared to the release, the shield's 'draft' was a bit more flexible: It could neatly hold Cap's forearm when he attacked, and spread it wide when he went into defensive state. In addition, the top of the shield is also more pointed, with the blade can protrude as you wish. This design will make the pieces of Cap become more unpredictable and dangerous.

Ryan even continued showing the fans more drawings showing how Cap would use this deadly shield during the battle in Wakanda. In the caption, he wrote: ' This is a scene where Cap fights Outriders and uses the draft shield I posted yesterday. I'm happy to be able to make concept art like this, because not only can I create the extreme tension in the battle, I also show off the new shield design in a completely different perspective. ' .

The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 3The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 3

Cap described conflicts with the Outriders and the new shield in Ryan's concept art drawing.

The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 4The concept of Infinity War concept shows that Cap should possess a cool and deadly shield. Picture 4

Close-up of the shield when turned into an attack state, the spikes have protruded and are ready to skew the enemy.

However, Ryan did not share any further reasons why Marvel abandoned this design and chose the option as shown on the release. However, what happened in Infinity War was enough for fans to be satisfied, because Cap still had a tenacious fight with the new shield, who was in the front line with T'Challa when the two sides rushed into the leaf . He was only subdued when the Outriders arrived too crowded, overwhelmed him with meat, and was then narrowly rescued by Thor.

It can be said that concept art, draft script ideas like this are a quite effective way to help Marvel maintain interaction with fans during the Covid-19 period. Recently, the studio has announced the temporary suspension of Black Widow - the opening movie for MCU phase 4, and the production of Disney + series projects has been temporarily suspended and the date of operation has not been set yet.

According to Cinemablend

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