Test on JAVA test on P9
Unlike most common programming languages, instead of compiling the source code into machine code or interpreting source code when running, Java is designed to compile the source code into bytecode, then bytecode will be run by the runtime environment. . To help you better understand this programming language, the following quiz of Network Administrator will give you lots of useful knowledge.
- Question 1. Which of the following program segments results?
double a = 3, b = 5, c = 2;
double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (delta <0) System.out.println ('Comforty virginity');
else if (delta == 0) System.out.println ('Simple method');
else System.out.println ('The method has two components');- The perfect virgin
- The method has a sound
- The method has two options
- Compilation error
- Question 2. Which of the following program segments results?
double a = 5, b = 3, c = 2;
double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (delta <0) System.out.println ('Comforty virginity');
else if (delta == 0) System.out.println ('Simple method');
else System.out.println ('The method has two components');- The perfect virgin
- The method has a sound
- The method has two options
- Compilation error
- Question 3. What is the following command to print the result:
double x = 10000.0 / 3.0;
System.out.print (x);- 3333.3333333333335
- 3333.33
- 3334.0
- 3332.0
- Question 4. Select the display format when executing the following statement:
System.out.printf ('% tc', new Date ());
- Sun Dec 02 2010
- Sun Dec 02 17:26:19 ICT 2010
- Sunday December 02 2010
- Sunday December 05:26:00 ICT 2010
- Question 5. Select the display format when executing the following statement:
System.out.printf ('% 1 $ s% 2 $ B% 2 $ te,% 2 $ Y', 'Due date:', new Date ());
- Due date: Dec 02 2010
- Sun Dec 02 2010
- Dec 02, 2010
- Due date: Dec 02, 2010
- Question 6. Which command is only used in case of nested loops?
- label
- jump
- array
- There is no right answer
- Question 7. Which of the following statements is true?
a.char [] str;
b.char [] str = new char [15];
char [] str = new ['A', 'B'];- twelfth
- 2, 3
- 1, 3
- 1, 2, 3
- Question 8. Which of the following interface definitions is invalid?
- public interface inout {}
- protected interface inout {int i = 12;}
- interface inout {public final int MAX_INDEX = 100;}
- interface input {public void indl ();}
- Question 9. Given String str = 'univerity', which of the following commands takes the string 'univer' and binds string str1?
- String str1 = str.substring (0, 6);
- String str1 = str.substring (0, 5);
- String str1 = str.substring (1, 6);
- String str1 = str.substring (5);
- Question 10. Given str = 'Yunlin universtiy', what is the result of str.indexOf ('uni')?
- first
- 7
- 15
- Wrong command
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