Test about program structure
A set of questions about the structure of the program helps readers gain more useful knowledge. Invite your reference.
- Question 1. Which of the following statements is true?
- Part of the program name is required
- The declaration section is required
- The body of the program is absolutely necessary
- The program itself may or may not be
- Sentence 2. USES keyword used to:
- Declare the program name
- Constant declaration
- Declare variable
- Declare the library
- Question 3. Which of the following statements is true in the following statements:
- Const A: 50;
- CONst A = 100;
- Const: A = 100;
- All is wrong
- Question 4. The program body starts with . and ends with .?
- Question 5. Select the most reasonable statement?
- Constant declaration is usually used for one value at each time of program execution
- Single variable is a variable that only receives constant values and appears multiple times in the program
- Constants are often used for constant values and appear multiple times in the program
- In Pascal, all variables in the program must have a constant value and appear multiple times in the program
- Question 6. Select the most reasonable statement?
- In Pascal, all variables in the program must be named and declared for the translation program to store and process
- In Pascal, all variables in the program must have a value at each time of program execution
- Constant declaration is often used for the type of constants
- Single variable is a variable that only accepts the type of constant
- Question 7. Select the most reasonable statement?
- In Pascal, all variables in the program must have a constant value and appear multiple times in the program
- A single variable is a variable that receives only one value at each time of program execution
- The constant declaration is often used for naming and declaring the translation program to store and process
- Single variable is a variable that only accepts the type of constant
- Question 8. Select the wrong statement?
PROGRAM vi_du;
Writeln ('Please ban');
Writeln ('A lot of Pascal elephants');
END.- Declare the program name as vi du
- Declaring the program name is vi_du
- The program itself has two commands
- The program has no constant declaration
- Question 9. Select the correct sentence in the following sentences:
- In the declaration section, it is necessary to declare the program name to make it easy to memorize the program content
- The declaration line for the program name is also a command line
- To use the built-in programs provided by the programming language, these libraries should be declared in the declaration section.
- Which programming language has a larger library system, the easier it is to write a program
- Question 10. Select the most reasonable statement?
- Constant declaration is usually used for one value at each time of program execution
- The constant declaration also identifies both the naming and declaring for the translation program to store and process
- In Pascal, all variables in the program must have a value at each time of program execution
- Constant declaration also defines the type of constant
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