Stunning photos of the largest moon in the Solar System
Some photos capture the highlights and shadows of Ganymede. According to scientists, these areas are the result of the process of ice converting into water vapor. Others show Tros, one of the largest and brightest craters on Ganymede.
Ganymede - the largest moon in the Solar System - was taken on June 7. Photo: NASA
Ganymede's bright and dark areas. Photo: NASA.
With the image of Jupiter released by NASA, viewers can also see the tornadoes on the planet's surface and the "string of pearls" - including 8 large storms that appear as a retroverted white oval. clockwise. Valuable information from these images helps scientists better understand Ganymede - formed about 4.5 billion years ago, at the same time as Jupiter and is the only moon with its own magnetic field, creating a polar pole. optical.
Ganymede was formed around the same time as Jupiter, about 4.5 billion years ago. Photo: NASA.
Image above the surface of Jupiter. Photo: NASA.
Juno captures tornadoes on Jupiter's surface. Photo: NASA
The 8 major storms that rotate counterclockwise appear as white ovals. Photo: NASA
Juno - worth $ 1.1 billion, started its journey to Jupiter on August 4, 2011, and after five years it reached its destination on July 4, 2016. Juno's mission is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter, map the magnetic field, search for solid planetary cores, measure water and ammonia in the deep atmosphere, and observe the aurora borealis.
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