9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs
Sometimes when you stand in front of a crowded place, you are not confident to speak a certain presentation. You can learn 9 factors to help Steve Jobs be confident on stage to complete attractive and compelling presentations.
If anyone deserves to be considered a lecturer on stage, that person is Steve Jobs , Apple's co-founder. Although Steve Jobs has many bizarre personalities that are hard to imitate (or should not imitate) , his presentation style is worth learning.
Henrik Sandberg , an SEO and Internet marketing expert on SEO Customer blogs, has incorporated elements that make Steve Jobs great presentations.
9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs Picture 1
Co-founder of Steve Jobs of Apple
1. Practice before the actual presentation
Steve Jobs could not complete a complicated presentation with lots of video clips, illustrations and captions if he had not spent many hours training before. Therefore, if you want to be a good speaker, you should go to the content and practice your presentation many times.
2. Interact with the audience
9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs Picture 2
Include a presentation of multimedia content, product demonstrations and give the audience the opportunity to express feelings. Let the audience feel they are always interested, answer their questions with direct interaction with the speaker.
3. Explain the numbers
When Steve Jobs announced that Apple had sold 4 million iPhones by the time of the presentation, he did not simply give the number, but also made it clear that ' an average of 20,000 iPhones are sold every day '. , and continue to emphasize the question ' what does that mean for the entire market? .
4. Before starting, summarize the presentation
Jobs often summarizes the content presented by words like: 'Today, there are four things I want to talk about '. In order for users not to be too tired to know how long your presentation can last, summarize through the topics you will talk about in your presentation.
5. Show confidence and enthusiasm
9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs Picture 3
Steve Jobs expressed his passion for computer design. During his presentation, he often confidently uses words such as ' extraordinary ', ' amazing ', and ' amazing '. When illustrating a new feature of the iPhone, Steve Jobs once exclaimed: ' The devil, it works so well '.
6. Create moments that make others gasp
Every Steve Jobs presentation is built to have a moment of highlight. In the announcement of MacBook Air, Steve Jobs once said this device could fit an envelope. He made the entire audience gasp in surprise when opening a large envelope and taking out the laptop for everyone to see.
7. Mainly put photos on slides
9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs Picture 4
While most speakers like to put in a lot of data, text and tables, Steve Jobs does the opposite. There are very few words in his presentation slide, many slides only show a single image. Why so? Because the image will affect the listener / viewer better, making the user less tired than looking at a data sheet and the lifeless word.
8. Funny when having trouble
Don't rush to sweat when you encounter minor problems. The audience will not remember small mistakes unless you lose your temper and make them more attentive to it. Make funny jokes to create a happy atmosphere, and regain your own spirit.
9. Let the audience know what they benefit
The listener always wants to ask the question: ' What does it help me? . Please answer straight to the question, not let the audience think. Please clearly introduce the benefits of each service, feature and product you provide.
Finally, try applying all of the above presentation methods for your upcoming speech and tell us how you felt about the presentation. Good luck!
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- The memorable product presentation presentations by Steve Jobs
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- The unprecedented sayings of Steve Jobs
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- Little is known about Steve Jobs' 'extraordinary' life
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