Scientists have created the world's first liquid metal lattice

Researchers have successfully developed the world's first liquid metal crystal lattice, which will pave the way for the creation of structures that can recover to shape when damaged by external forces. .

Researchers have successfully developed the world's first liquid metal crystal lattice, which will pave the way for the creation of structures that can recover to shape when damaged by external forces. .

Specifically, the team from Bingham University has created a number of objects from this preeminent new material, from balls, honeycomb structures to even a hand that can be opened and grasped depending on According to the outside temperature the environment looks quite scary. Their common point is light and extremely durable.

The secret of this invention lies in Field's alloys - a metal made from bismuth, indium and tin that melts at relatively low temperatures, only 62 ° C. This feature makes it possible to melt even in hot water. But when the alloy is cooled, it hardens, becoming hard not inferior to most other metals.

The technique used by the scientists is to 3D print a lattice or skeleton for a magnetic alloy structure of Field. Then, this structure will be filled with a layer of rubber - you can think of the skin covering our body. As long as the temperature is maintained below 62 ° C, this structure will remain rigid and intact.

Scientists have created the world's first liquid metal lattice Picture 1Scientists have created the world's first liquid metal lattice Picture 1 Arms made from liquid metal

However, when temperatures rise above that mark, Field's alloys will begin to melt. The problem is that the rubber will still help keep everything together. Thanks to that, the structure can be bent, shaped and even laminated like an ice cream sandwich when needed. Let the alloy cool and harden, but the rubber coating will pull it back to its original shape.

'The rubber crust plays a very important role. If not, the liquid metal will melt and float when temperatures are higher than allowed. The rubber cover will control the shape and overall integrity, if molten metal will remain inside without melting out. We have spent more than half a year developing such manufacturing processes, because this new material is very difficult to handle. You need to find the formula for the best material and the most suitable processing parameters'.

Speaking of which, many of us may immediately think of the movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day". Among them is the T-1000, an antagonist robot composed of polymorphic alloys, a form of liquid metal that allows him to melt, squeeze through door slits, and recreate into the shape of any Who. Basically this new material also possesses the same feature but of course cannot transform 'magic' like the T-1000.

This is not the first time scientists have tried to create a superior liquid metal, but no one has ever created lattice Field lattice crystals and then restored their form. they, a great property has great potential.

Of course the application potential of liquid metal doesn't stop at making robots or making films. This material can be used to create high impact components, spacecraft, satellites.

'You can melt our new material houses, making them tidier for easier transport to the moon. These houses can then replicate their shape at the destination '.

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