Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan

If your book is wet, follow the simple steps below!

While walking to school, suddenly the heavy rain poured in, it was really annoying, wasn't it? At the very least, you can dry your body soon after, but what about your textbooks and notebooks? It was not easy to dry them, wet books often deformed, wrinkled and curled forever. But there is an extremely economical and simple way to rescue these drenched pages. We discovered the " cool " tip of Jaluka Nohana - a Japanese artist, writer and graphic designer.

All you need to do is place pieces of soft absorbent paper (or toilet paper) in the middle of the wet pages, then place a heavy object ( such as a stack of books ) on top and constantly change the paper Soft absorbent until all the water in the book is absorbed! And your books become like new and can continue to be used.

If your book is wet, follow the simple steps below:

Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 1Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 1

First, place soft pieces of absorbent paper (or toilet paper) in the middle of the wet pages.

Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 2Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 2

Next, put a heavy weight on top (like a stack of books for example) to keep them fixed.

Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 3Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 3

After that, keep changing the absorbent paper until it has absorbed the water from the pages.

Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 4Rescue the wet pages with 'extremely simple' tips from Japan Picture 4

Finally, your book has returned to its original form!

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