Quiz: how long does it take a turtle to crawl around the Earth?

If a turtle crawls around the Earth, will it be possible to complete that distance by the time it 'breathes'? Try to guess the results in the article below!

Turtle is the slowest reptile in the planet due to its heavy weight. So, if a turtle crawls around the Earth, will it be possible to complete that distance by the time it 'breathes'? Try to guess the results in the article below!

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In this question, we will use Galapagos tortoises, the largest live tortoise in the world to obtain data for calculations.

Quiz: how long does it take a turtle to crawl around the Earth? Picture 1Quiz: how long does it take a turtle to crawl around the Earth? Picture 1

The maximum speed of Galapagos tortoises is 0.3 km / h, and their lifespan is over 100 years.

The Earth's circumference is 40,075km.

Because the turtle has to rest, eat, watch . so we will only calculate its speed at ½ of the maximum speed, ie 0.15km / h only. So how much time does it take to crawl to complete the journey around the Earth?

40,075 km / 0.15 (km / h) = 267,167 hours

100 years * 365.24 days / year = 36,524 days

267,167 hours / 36,524 days = 7,31 hours / day

So, the Galapagos tortoise with a lifespan of more than 100 years of age only needs 7.31 hours to walk every day, it is perfectly possible to travel around the world!

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