Play fever with smart clothes for insane patients
Smart cloth company Xenoma is looking for ways to integrate technology into our lives, especially in medical situations. Specifically, this Japanese company is exhibiting a smart pajamas for patients in the hospital, with a special focus on dementia patients. The idea is that instead of forcing others to observe, follow them in the room, clothing can automatically support this problem.
They integrate shirts and pants with fabric sensors. The circuits running along the hips and legs are designed to detect movement, so experts will know when the wearer is moving. Integrated sensor technology is designed to monitor other important signs such as breathing, while a pair of additional sensors into the sternum can be connected to the ECG, if necessary.
Play fever with smart clothes for insane patients Picture 1
One of the most interesting innovations is the fabric sensor, no need to contact gel or liquid to maintain electrical conductivity to the skin. Even more importantly, the company claims that the fabric can be washed more than 100 times before there are signs of wear, making it as durable as the regular clothes we wear regularly.
At the top of the chest is an Iron Man plastic disc containing batteries, a Bluetooth LE device and an accelerator and gyroscope.
Talking about this outfit, Xenoma will soon conduct a clinical trial that limits clothing to an unpublished German hospital.
The company hopes that the suit will be ready for medical use by 2020, when the cost of each suit will be less than $ 100.
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