Learn to write email like a real CEO

If you want to impress employers by email for job or want to practice effective email writing skills, then learn how to write a leader's email.

In the previous article, we have introduced you to the 11 most basic rules for writing emails that any professional room employee needs to know. However, the problem is that a lot of people already know about these principles but so far, not everyone can easily apply them. Even some office workers shared that even though they were serious about writing emails, the feedback they received from management, Leader or CEO was not what they expected.

So how to improve? That is learning how to write email as a CEO and this is also the main content that will be mentioned in the following section of this article. Of course, compliance with the most basic rules when writing email is still the first thing not to be missed.

Note : This article has been translated from Andrew Torba's sharing - CEO of Advertise.ai - a chatbot service provider for businesses that want to advertise via social networks.

Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 1Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 1

You write an email too long meaning the CEO will not read it

CEOs have a lot of things to consider, but one of their most important issues is still time. Whether they're running a Fortune 500 company or a start-up company, the CEO always has a multitude of problems to solve and in the current global economy, every second passes very well. important.

When I first entered the world of entrepreneurs, "I wrote emails in the style of" novels "for team members" . However, Andrew soon realized that this email series caused him and Team to lose most of their precious time. Fortunately, "I quickly learned how to filter unimportant content and focus on one or two core issues to try to clarify them."

Be brief and concise

Spending a lot of time on a series of emails that don't produce productivity and spend a lot of time talking on the phone is less effective. While I have only a few years working as a CEO, all the members of my Board of Directors and Board of Directors have had 30 years of working in international business under the role of CEOs or senior managers. The process of communicating with them quickly taught me to change my writing style and even made them more concise, sometimes emails were sent with only one word.

Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 2Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 2

One way to create a strong effect to get started is to remove unnecessary sentences. Here is an example:

Hey Andrew I just wanted to email you and tell you about the interesting opportunity .

Hey Andrew, I just want to email you and tell you about an interesting opportunity ( Bullshit: Don't tell me what you intend to tell me somewhere, go straight to the point. Don't talk "hey" because this is not a conversation on Viber or Facebook Messenger).

It's great to meet you, my name is John Smith from Abc Inc.

It's great to meet you, my name is John Smith from ABC company ( Did we ever meet? ).

I spent a lot of time following my work and I really think that we can because of some great business together.

I have spent a lot of time researching your work and I really think that we can work together to create perfect business deals. ( Bullshit: Nobody likes a flatter, you're wasting my time when it takes me 5 seconds to read this email and now, I'll delete it ).

Our company is from New York and we are funds by x, y, z.

My company is based in New York and we are invested by X, Y, Z ( Bullshit! Sorry that it has nothing to do with me. What do you want from me? )

We are working to do X.

We are working on Project X ( Is this the last issue ?).

We do it better than Facebook because 1,2,3.

We do it better than Facebook because of the reasons 1, 2, 3 ( Bullshit: I'm the one who made the assessment about it ).

I know a lot of people say X, but on the contrary we believe Y.

I know a lot of people talk about X but we still believe in the success of Project X ( Bullshit: Go straight to how you can help me and what can I do for you? ).

Bạn cần phải để tạo một Call với bạn.

I would love to have a call with you ( Perhaps this will not happen ).

You see, an email like this is clearly ineffective, even, causing the CEO to give negative feedback to every sentence you write. To fix this, see how a CEO writes an email like this:


I'd like to help you solve problem X. I do Y and Z suggested that we connect. Are you free to chat this week?


I want to help you solve the problem X. I'm working on projects Y and Z have good ideas that we can work together. Do you have time to talk to me this week? "

According to Android, this opening way has a very good effect: leading the issue directly, briefly, refers to the solution to the problem that email recipients are having and not rambling.

There are many other examples, such as my personal email in the image below - almost empty or contain only a few words. A useful way to practice emailing as a CEO is to treat your email as a character limit like Twitter . The more you practice, the more you know how to choose the right words, more suitable and save a lot of time each week when you don't have to answer emails full of unnecessary "flowers".

Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 3Learn to write email like a real CEO Picture 3

For emails that require a specific, detailed answer, it's best to schedule a call and limit chat time from 5 to 10 minutes. If the call needs more than this time, make arrangements for both to meet at lunchtime.

Becoming a communicator requires you to take steps, don't rush and be sure. Do you really need a 10-minute call or can you point out the important points of the problem with a few short tweets? Challenge yourself to think seriously and effectively using email or any other form of communication. Whether you are a time-saving CEO or an unemployed person who wants to attract the employer's attention when writing an email for a job, you'll soon realize that the shorter and more straightforward goes The more the problem, the greater the response rate and the time you save.

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