Kenshi Guide for Beginners

Kenshi Beginner's Guide, Helpful Kenshi Guides help newbies get started in this post-apocalyptic world.

Although the number of role-playing games is increasing, with contexts, mechanics, . suitable for all gamers and all play styles, among them there is still Kenshi with many outstanding and attractive features. . Kenshi is a fascinating post-apocalyptic sandbox role-playing game that brings many elements from Mad Max and Dune.

A sandbox RPG in its purest sense, Kenshi allows players to enter the world however they want. The player can be a wandering warrior, miner, bandit leader, slave, assassin, farmer, merchant or anyone.

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Whether building a city or traveling from oasis to oasis with just a backpack and a sword, Kenshi is fully capable of doing anything. However, this can also make new players feel confused as to where to start. Therefore, this article will provide useful instructions when playing Kenshi to help beginners start this game more smoothly.

Choose Wanderer at the start

During the character creation process, the player must choose 1 of 13 Beginning as the starting character. Regardless of the character choice at the start, people can evolve that character into anything.

However, choosing Beginning puts players in very different positions at the start of the game, affecting currency, equipment, skills, and even party size. Some choices make the early game much more complicated and difficult than other Beginnings.

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The best start for new players is Wanderer. Starting alone at the Hub, a town of the Holy Nation Outlaws in the Border Zone, Wanderer starts with a score of 1 in all abilities. Luckily, the Hub is a great starting point for the adventure.

Understand your surroundings

The presence of copper and iron in the vicinity of the Hub is another great perk to choosing Wanderer. It is paramount when playing Kenshi to observe your surroundings and understand what is on offer in terms of resources, trade and facility building opportunities, and most importantly, potential threats.

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The player should explore the city's surroundings, mine any copper and iron mines they can find, and retreat to the safe areas of the city if threatened.

Like other cities, the Hub contains a number of purchasable buildings, either intact or damaged. Buying property in the city can be expensive, but it offers a distinct advantage over setting up an outpost in a remote location.

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If bandits or other dangers strike, the player will have the Hub's high wall and city defenders to support. This advantage of safety is a factor to consider in the early game and should not be overlooked. Buying a house and building a research area inside gives the player quick access to some of the necessary technology, making future bases much safer and more useful.

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