7 valuable tips that will change the way you work
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' If I can receive wisdom on the condition of keeping it private and not sharing it with anyone, I should refuse that offer. There is nothing interesting when you own a value that cannot be shared with anyone . ' - Seneca , an ancient Roman philosopher said.
According to Maria Popova , the wisdom is the knowledge of importance, both practical and moral value, making our lives more enriched and acting smarter. Because the path to creativity is always full of uncertainties, uncertainty, fear and self-doubt; therefore, we often rely on the wisdom of others to keep ourselves from deflecting.
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 1
Here are 7 valuable tips on the wisdom that I, the author of the article, have accumulated after many years as a writer, the path that I have unknowingly selected and improved thanks to generosity and rebellion blame from predecessors.
1. Be like a boat out to sea and don't turn your head
In December 2012, I wrote an online book. It took me 8 months to write and advertise it. I waited patiently for the results - praise, recognition and other opportunities. Surprisingly, nothing really happened and I felt extremely humiliated. Not a download, no comment and no profit.
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 2 Writer Steven Pressfield
In a desperate attempt to understand why I felt bad, I emailed one of my favorite writers, Steven Pressfield . He answered that:
Everyone feels what you are feeling.When starting something new, just do it and don't look back . Don't see sales, don't find comments on Amazon. Get used to it.
In the book "The War of Art", I told the story when I finished writing the first novel (after about 10 years of trying and failing), I was Go to your instructor, Paul Rink and tell him the good news. He did not look up at me but just looked at the coffee in his hand and said: ' Good. Write a new book tomorrow . '
The theory is to write the next book. I like a new book that has 30 or 40 pages already written (and has another writing) when I finish writing the current book.
Congratulations Paul. You did well. He let the boat go to sea. Welcome. All the other members on this boat welcome you. Let's get drunk. Open a party.
And then write the next book tomorrow.
If you think that any project is a remedy for restlessness, uncertainty and fear of failure, then it is almost self-promotion and is not helpful in general creativity. .
At the beginning of 'writing the next book' it makes ourselves become wary for a long time and deprives our desire for instant gratification. It forms the foundation for long-term and regulated creativity by enjoying the process and not the result .
One very important thing is the momentum . Because after completing this project, what will you be next? It's easy to just sit and read a comment, but that's not the way to have a successful career. Completed projects reflect the development of their own skills and thinking. Each project is a step forward from the previous one. The first project is considered level 1 - not very good. But when you finish it, learn from it and put your energy into it, your next project can only be better .
2. 'Experience transformation'
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 3 Author Kurt Vonnegut
In 2006, Xavier High School students were given writing assignments for their favorite authors - five of them chose Kurt Vonnegut . The only answer that the whole class received from the author Vonnegut has summarized wisdom that is not limited by expertise or circumstances:
What I want to tell you is that I don't have much to say: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, dancing, acting, drawing, depicting, writing poems, writing essay, writing novels, no matter how good or bad. It is not to earn money or fame, but to experience the transformation within yourself , find out what is hidden inside and nourish your soul.
Seriously! I mean start right now, practice an art and practice it for the rest of your life. Dance after school, sing in the bathroom and many other things.Focus on doing what you like and facing challenges . Pretend to be Count Dracula in Bram Stoker's novel of the same name.
Although Vonnegut's wise wisdom advice is for young students to motivate them to start learning something, it's easy to limit our creativity to a specific area. , such as writing or graphic design, for example.
In the early stages of creativity, we are not affected by financial problems or professional responsibilities - simply trying, expressing ourselves, raising our hearts and returning to the nature of creation. The perceptions that we get through these actions should be forwarded to the main specialty.
3. Keep everything under control
'Stop everything you're doing for a while and ask yourself: Are you afraid you will die if you can't continue to do this?' - Marcus Aurelius .
The above statement makes you immediately stop wasting your most precious resource: time .
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 4
Creativity in the way of life as well as in career is scary but always gives us worthy rewards.Both passionate about what I do, both financially and emotionally satisfied are dreams and challenges for many people.
That dream may come true, but it requires you to work hard, dedicated, a bit of luck and a lot of time. Therefore, we need to remember something that is really important and attached to what will bring about meaningful results later.
4. Build long-term habits
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 5 Choreographer Twyla Tharp
In Daily Rituals, author Mason Curry shares the morning routine of choreographer Twyla Tharp . The author writes as follows:
' I start the day with the following things: get up early at 5:30 am, wear gym clothes, leg warmers, sweaters and hats. I walked out of my house in Manhattan, ordered a taxi and told the driver to take me to the Pumping Iron gym between 91st and 1st Avenue, where I exercised for 2 hours. The misery here is not the minutes of stretching and weight training that I have to endure every morning at the gym room; it's time to move there. The moment I finished talking to my driver, my destination was considered to be the end of the morning's misery . '
Try thinking about your daily schedule, what you do and what you really need to do. Maybe get up early, work for hours continuously, go for a walk, you need to find a rhythm - your own pace . When creating a long-term habit, you will stay motivated for really important things.
With a disciplined and personal schedule, you can work in the best state, spending hours focusing on thinking and learning to live faster, not just struggling to earn The fake title is that you worked 8 hours continuously.
Daily habits change over time as circumstances change . The main goal is that you have a certain habit to build the habits necessary for the development of thinking and creativity, the most important thing is to do the job . Your friend will not text or call you at "creative" hours, because they know you never hear the phone, reply to the message while working.
5. Research the achievements of other artists and other fields
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 6 Composer Mozart
In the book 'Mastery', author Robert Greene emphasizes the importance of studying the work of other artists by taking the example of composer Mozart . This is an essential foundation for a master's evolution and the development of creativity:
'Throughout his career, composer Mozart has never made any judgments about music. Instead, he mulled around the heard music and combined them with his own work. Much later, he first heard the music of Johann Sebastian Bach - a very different and complicated music genre. Most musicians will become conservative and oppose what challenges their rules. But no, Mozart dismissed all biases and welcomed new possibilities, studying how Bach used antagonists for nearly a year and applied them in his own music. This brings a surprising newness to his music. '
Learning is not just one area; which is a range of fields. It facilitates the exchange of ideas and views , bringing you to new ways and ways of thinking. Of course not everything goes into use, but you will develop your aesthetic and style, which will apply to personal creativity.
6. Ask what you want
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 7
In 'How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer', author Debbie Millman recounts the story of designer James Victore and how he earned his internship by asking. The story is as follows:
'I used to have a professor in the second year of college, graphic designer Paul Bacon . He gave me a point D. But when I dropped out, I went to his office and said I wanted to go to practice. At that time, I didn't even know what that meant, I just wanted to practice with him. He looked at me and put down his pen and said no one had ever asked him that. And he agreed to let me do it. I learned a valuable lesson right away: if you want anything, you have to say it.
I had that internship because no one had asked for it like me. After that, I started going to the studio of graphic designer Paul Bacon and watched him work. I often go there every morning and clean up; At that time I didn't have a real job. And then I started to try it out. When there is an empty desk, I try to draw some designs. 3 months after I quit SVA, I had 3 fake book covers to put in my profile. I started to advertise my resume and was hired soon after. I had a job back then. "
7. 'No artists feel satisfied'
7 valuable tips that will change the way you work Picture 8 Dancer Martha Graham
In 1943, actor and choreographer Agnes de Mille was sitting drinking soda with the legendary choreographer and dancer Martha Graham . After years of searching for work, Agnes de Mille had a surprising and resounding success with the choreography for the Broadway show 'Oklahoma!', Which she thought was only 'okay'. The performance was performed more than 2,200 times and finally stopped after 5 years. Mille said that her desire for greatness always existed, but she failed because of a lack of faith.
Graham gave Agnes an advice she always remembered:
'Your job is not to judge how good it is or how valuable it is when compared to other works. It was her job to keep it to herself clearly and directly, dismissing all biases . She didn't even need to believe in herself or her work. She had to expand her thoughts and be aware of what motivated her. No artist feels satisfied . There is never satisfaction or something like that. Only the unkindness and subtlety, a driving force that makes us move forward and become full of life. '
The above statements are like what Steven Pressfield said: ' Everyone feels what you are feeling . And write the next book tomorrow .'
How about you? What made you master your life and accomplish your job well? Please share with us in the comment section below!
Author: Paul Jun
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