If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change?

If our Earth suddenly swells twice, will we have more space to live?

If our Earth suddenly swells twice, will we have more space to live? What is interesting about what happens to the lives of human beings and creatures? Let's find out together!

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1. People have twice the weight

If the Earth has a diameter doubling, then the volume will increase by 8 times and gravity will double.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 1If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 1

At that time, your body weight will be 2 times higher than before. This means you will feel like you are carrying another person on your back and of course everything becomes more difficult and tiring.

2. Height decreases

Because of having to support the body's weight, our bones and legs will become stronger and stronger over time.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 2If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 2

When gravity is doubled, the human spine becomes shorter due to being compressed. The muscles and spine bones will ache - according to the "time dilation" effect in Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

3. We will not be good at any sport

Under the influence of gravity, the human body will be slower to make walking, running and jumping difficult. At the same time, we will also get tired of any physical activity.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 3If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 3

Over time, bones and muscles will also become strong to adapt to increasing weight and meet new conditions.

4. Animals have a different appearance

They will be smaller but firmer. Big animals like elephants, lions, . have a lot of difficulties. Meanwhile, energy demand is negligible, so small animals are less affected.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 4If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 4

In general, evolution will take place faster and natural selection will also take place more vigorously.

5. Trees start to collapse

Many trees have collapsed due to increased gravity. New regrowth trees can only reach a maximum height of 120m, this limit is determined by gravity.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 5If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 5

The reason is that the higher the tree, the more energy is needed to transport it from the roots to the top. If more energy transports water, the energy gained from plant photosynthesis will stop growing and vice versa.

6. A series of volcanoes will explode after thousands of years of "sleeping".

The bigger the Earth, the hotter it will be. Then, inside the crust will appear many unstable factors, the large amount of heat inside will reach the surface, forming more volcanic activities.

If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 6If the Earth swells twice, how will humans and plants and animals change? Picture 6

At that time, the long-term volcanoes that have not been active all over the world will likely wake up simultaneously after thousands of years of completely eradicating many lands on Earth. In addition, gas from volcanic eruptions affecting the atmosphere also causes climate change to occur.

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