Internet artwork
On average, a storm releases 600 billion billion jun (J) per second in the process of formation of clouds / rain, and another 1.5 billion billion jun is released as the kinetic energy of the wind. Besides, the storm also produces energy equivalent to 600 million lightning per second, or 2.2 billion lightning strikes every hour.
According to experts, super typhoon Nancy with the strongest winds of 346km / h occurred in 1961 as the strongest storm. And it has the power equivalent to hundreds of billions and billions of joules per second, a very large number.
The strength of earthquakes is measured by the scale of the torque scale (Mw). This is not a linear scale - M2 is 30 times higher than M1 in terms of energy.
A strong earthquake is not the same as a moderate storm.(Internet artwork)
According to the record, the earthquake that occurred on April 22, 1960 in South Chile was judged to be the strongest earthquake that ever happened on earth. It reached M9.5 equivalent to 8.3 * 10 ^ 18 jun in a few seconds.
A tornado usually lasts 24 hours, and in one day it will release 52 * 10 ^ 18 jun. So, the strongest earthquake is not the same as the average storm.
When the volcano erupted, the columns of ash and lava were fired and also released a large amount of momentum and sound energy.
Super volcanic eruption.Internet artwork
According to scientists, about 500 million years ago, a super volcano believed to be in La Garita Caldera, Colorado erupted. 5,000km of lava blocks and ashes were created enough to bury the state of California under a 12 meter thick volcanic dust.
The bomb of the Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated, released 0.2 * 10 ^ 18 jun. By comparison, this volcanic eruption frees more than 5250 times the energy of this bomb. A terrible number. This is the most devastating natural disaster.
When meteors collide with the Earth, they cause global thermal storms, super tsunamis, global temperature variations. They even make the sky black, stop the process of photosynthesis and indirectly destroy the entire ecosystem.
Sixty-six million years ago, a 10km-wide good-looking stone released to Earth freed up to 543,000 * 10 ^ 18 jun, destroying all dinosaurs. This energy level is 10 days in a row.
But this is not the most terrible meteor impact that the earth has ever suffered. The biggest collision was when a large Mars-sized asteroid named Theia crashed into the earth when it was first formed. The terrible piercing force causes the Earth's crust to break and form the moon .
It is estimated that the collision is equivalent to 1.84 million collisions that destroyed the dinosaurs. In terms of energy level, this disaster cannot be compared because no disaster can be compared.
Humans have survived about 200,000 years on Earth at 4.6 billion years and underwent 5 terrifying extinctions .
Extinct disasters are defined as long periods of time when global species formation rates are smaller than permitted rates. Although not really considered a natural disaster, these are complex phenomena for a variety of reasons. In many cases, scientists cannot come up with a common answer to these events and they are considered to be mysterious periods of ecological destruction.
Five times the most well-defined extinction event occurred between 443 and 66 million years ago, due to climate change, seawater composition, the disappearance of a number of rare, active volcanic elements. on a large scale and meteorites, . and other reasons that occur at different times.
The last extinct catastrophe of the end of the Permian period of 252 million years ago was called " Great Destroyer " - about 96% of the ecosystem was destroyed after a long period of continental volcanic eruption in the present region. now is Silicius destroying the global climate. All the creatures we now know are descendants of 4% surviving.
The third event occurred around 600-542 million years before the complex life on Earth suddenly became diverse. Known as the Cambrian Boom , this is said to be a time when complex life began to spread throughout the world. Scientists now know that there is a more mysterious form of life, called "Ediacaran biota", that existed before this period and that this form of life has disappeared from fossil relics when the Cambrian Explosion occurred. out.
Although there is very little fossil evidence to prove, it seems that biotransformation has eradicated Ediacaran's life form simply because the new form of life has evolved to be superior. In general, scientists argue that this type of extinct catastrophe is more cruel than the end of the Cretaceous period, but still not equal to the Great Destruction.
The most severe assumption of extinction is that ancient algae are capable of photosynthesis thriving and pumping oxygen into the atmosphere 2.4 billion years ago. At the same time, however, the Earth is also full of microorganisms that do not use oxygen - in fact oxygen is toxic to them. This is known as the Great Oxygenation Event - an event that brings life to the world now - but is also known as the Oxidation Catastrophe because it destroys nearly all other life forms. on Earth at that time. Although exact data cannot be given, this can be considered the largest extinction event.
The Earth is heating up
In addition to the above-mentioned catastrophic disasters, scientists believe we are entering the latest phase of catastrophic catastrophe, caused by the harmful effects that mankind has caused on numerous species. the world is gradually dying. This is a lesson that animals that make greenhouse gases need to be careful about.