How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many Industries

With more people using their smartphones to browse the internet than their computers, many industries have had to change how they reach out to customers and how they deliver their services.

People value their time more than ever, and are looking to do mundane tasks and as quickly as possible. Here are a few industries that have changed how they interact with customers almost entirely.

Picture 1 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many IndustriesPicture 1 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many Industries

Source: Pexels


Mobile apps have definitely been a game-changing development for the hospitality industry. Since this entire industry philosophy is to serve customers, technology has created an environment to create personalized, unique experiences for clients. This way, hotels have also managed to gather more data that ultimately helped them improve their services, make better predictions, and manage the daily operational activities to suit the demands of the guests.

However, it isn't just the industry that benefits from this technology. Customers are also having a much easier time booking rooms, checking availability at different hotels or even restaurants, and reading and submitting reviews. Moreover, they are always being updated with the latest offers, promotions, and discounts, creating a bespoke relationship between each other.

Picture 2 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many IndustriesPicture 2 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many Industries

Source: Pexels


The global gambling industry has had a massive tech shift, expecting a predicted 2024 value of $94.4 billion in US dollars. It is one of the industries that has fully embraced the technological advancements available today and has focused on innovation to give the best customer experience possible.

Browsing through the Bonusfinder New Zealand guide to online gambling, it is easy to understand why there is such a massive interest in this industry, both from an investor perspective and a consumer. There are countless deals, bonuses, and offers, as well as hundreds of games available at a single touch. Add the convenience factor to the mix as well, and it's a perfect match.


Possibly the biggest industry to have been impacted by mobile apps, transportation is not what it used to be back in the day. Consumers no longer need to call a taxi number or hail on the streets for a ride, they can go on their smartphones and request it.

Apps like Uber have made it possible to arrange and track the vehicle, pay for the fare straight out of a credit card and even leave reviews and rate the driver and the experience.

Likewise, buying tickets and checking real-time traffic is easier than ever due to the advances brought in by apps. There is no need to sit in a queue to buy a bus or a train ticket, nor wait for two hours at the airport to do the check-in.

And for those who commute via car, navigation apps make it possible to see the traffic situations, whether a road is stuck or there's been an accident, and even get information on the location of police officers.

Picture 3 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many IndustriesPicture 3 of How Smartphones and Apps Have Changed the Face of Many Industries

Source: Pexels

Digital technology has improved how industries engage with their customers and it will continue to do so. Technology advances such as VR and AI are showing a lot of potentials, and with this area moving at such a high speed, the best customer experience is still yet to come.

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