Habits make you less intelligent

Dress up, say too little, often judge or sarcastic others ... all make you become less intelligent in everyone's eyes.

We often think we are intelligent people in every situation. However, small actions in our lives are inadvertently betraying yourself without your noticing.

Whether at any time, such as at school or at work, the way you dress or your actions like the way you talk and the content of what you say will be an opportunity for people to You have the opportunity to judge and judge you in a better or even worse way.

If you do not want to be judged as a less intelligent person, then compare it with yourself if you have the following things.

1. Dress casually

Costumes are the first thing that people face looking at when meeting someone. When you dress up neatly, people who even meet you for the first time will have a different way of dealing and have a respect from them. If you wear a shaggy dress, for example if you wear a T-shirt or a pair of sweatpants, no one will feel the need to spend time with you.

In work places or parties, if there are dress codes, you also need to pay attention to follow a certain standard. You should definitely follow the dress code before you step out of the house if you don't want to be judged by a colleague or friend to be serious or stupid . don't understand. If the words you say are not paid attention, then review the dress you wore that day was neat and neat?

Habits make you less intelligent Picture 1Habits make you less intelligent Picture 1

2. Using wrong words

This is also an error that makes you become less intelligent in front of others, if you use the wrong word or use intimate words or slang when you talk to a relative or friend they will think that you are a child. someone who is serious, ungainly is even stupid. In places where you first come to mind, your words are not where you are, but you can also express your carefreeness like being with friends and relatives.

3. Looking indefinitely

In our lives, we sometimes see looking at something indeterminate and not knowing what we are looking at most when listening to others, even though we have excused you that you are really listening and thinking. think they say. There are many reasons why you are not paying attention to what they are saying, but people will judge you that you are not listening because you do not understand or care about the problem they are talking about. And when you focus on looking at that unknown space you will look like a lost soul and also make you a lot less intelligent.

4. Say too much

Sometimes in some places the words you say too much will make others think that you are a person who is subtle and not sharp. A golden rule when talking is never say more than what needs to be said .

Instead of you babbling long, explaining those issues, you speak briefly and you show people that you are a person who can gather information and can convey important information to with them most understandably.

You should pay attention to the words you say so don't speak without thinking that will make the words you say become jagged and people will assume that you are a lack of understanding.

Habits make you less intelligent Picture 2Habits make you less intelligent Picture 2

5. Speak too little

Conversely, saying too little makes you not be appreciated in front of others. People who are often silent in conversations will often be thought by people that you don't have anything important to say or don't understand the problem that is being said, lacking in personal opinion. Although you know your silence is just shyness or shame, it's not a sign of being less intelligent, but others don't think so.

Therefore, in the conversation you also need to open up, not need to say much, just say enough to let people know that you are listening and have your own solution ideas when people discuss .

6. Evaluate others

Not that we look at other people's actions but can judge them accurately about their intelligence, sometimes those evaluations are completely wrong.

When you judge others, it shows that you can only see the world through your own eyes, and never think of the fact that, with seven billion people in the world, there are seven different ways. to live.

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