Flappy Bird was officially removed

As stated earlier, in the morning of October 10, Nguyen Ha Dong officially removed the Flappy Bird game from two App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) stores.

As stated earlier, in the morning of October 10, Nguyen Ha Dong officially removed the Flappy Bird game from two App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) stores.

Flappy Bird was officially removed Picture 1Flappy Bird was officially removed Picture 1
Flappy Bird has no longer seen App Store (left) and Google Play

Accordingly, when users access the App Store ( iOS ) and Google Play ( Android) market and find the top free app category of both app stores, there will be no more Flappy Bird games Now again (before that game stood at No. 1) .

Previously, Nguyen Ha Dong ( father of Flappy Bird) had announced on Twitter that Flappy Bird is currently giving him too much trouble, so he decided to remove this game.

He also announced the removal of the game unrelated to copyright issues, just not wanting to keep it. In addition, he will not intend to sell the rights to Flappy Bird games to anyone.

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