Early next year Apple will ship Netbook

An analyst who has identified Macworld Conference & Expo held in early next month will be a highlight of Apple's official entry into the netbook market.

Early next year Apple will ship Netbook Picture 1Early next year Apple will ship Netbook Picture 1 An analyst who has identified Macworld Conference & Expo held in early next month will be a highlight of Apple's official entry into the netbook market.

Ezra Gottheil - an analyst from Technology Business Research Inc. - said above is purely a personal judgment, not based on any information obtained from internal Apple.

The basis for Gottheil relies on the assumption that Apple will enter the Netbook market as the global economic downturn makes users tighten spending. Netbook products are cheap products that fully meet the basic needs of users.

Unlike other PC makers Apple has so far been largely uninterested in the market for low-cost laptop products, but recently the revenue of this sector has increased significantly. But in recent times, the field of cheap laptop products started to increase very quickly, so many giants in the field of computer manufacturing had to quickly enter the market.

And finally, CEO Steve Jobs' statement stated in a press interview last October. Jobs then confirmed that the iPhone and iPod Touch had features that were no different from Netbook products. In other words, iPhone and iPod Touch are Netbooks.

In another research report published three weeks ago, Gottheil also acknowledged that Apple's entry into the Netbook market will certainly happen in the first 6 months of next year, but the main cause is still spending cuts. consumer.

If Apple simply launched the Netbook as a reduced version of the Macbook, it will greatly affect the business of this high-end product line. To succeed Apple will need a different direction.

Gottheil experts also said that Apple's Netbook will have the same fate as the iPhone. That is the 'closed system' model (closed system). The software for the system will be available through the Apple Store online store. 'By controlling the download software as well as the system hardware will make Apple products much simpler, easier to use and more reliable than conventional PC products'.

Technology Business Research analyst said Apple will introduce the market to two different Netbook products at the same time. One product will be the same size as the MacBook Air and another version priced at around $ 599 will be similar to netbooks currently available in the market.

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