Detect changes in clinical symptoms of new corona virus

Chinese scientists have discovered changes in clinical symptoms of patients infected with new coronavirus at different stages.

According to research published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), experts observed the condition of 89 patients hospitalized at Wuhan University People's Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups. The first group of 31 people - admitted from January 16 to 22; the second group of 58 people - hospitalized from 23 to 29 January. The majority of patients in the second group were women (45 women, accounting for 58, 77.6%). In the first group of patients, women accounted for 45.2%.

Picture 1 of Detect changes in clinical symptoms of new corona virusPicture 1 of Detect changes in clinical symptoms of new corona virus

It should be noted that the first group experienced many symptoms such as fever (67.7%), loss of strength (41.9%) and muscle pain (22.6%). In 32.3% of patients in the first group, sputum was observed (although relatively small), while in the second group of patients, this symptom was only observed in 6.9%. Other symptoms, such as cough, nausea, diarrhea and chest tightness in the two patient groups were not significantly different. In addition, 54.2% of patients in the first group had lymphopenia.

"The observations from this study show that the initial symptoms of recently infected patients are 'dull', and the new coronavirus may gradually turn into a virus like the flu virus, or the virus. may be in a long-term incubation state in the carriers of pathogens and have no significant symptoms, "the study said.

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