Chrome OS is about to be released, the netbook is not yet available

Chrome OS for netbooks is likely to be launched by Google in May 2011, but so far has not seen a netbook format supporting this platform.

Chrome OS for netbooks is likely to be launched by Google in May 2011, but so far has not seen a netbook format supporting this platform.

Chrome OS is about to be released, the netbook is not yet available Picture 1Chrome OS is about to be released, the netbook is not yet available Picture 1

Google launched a stable development channel for the Chrome OS last week, hoping the OS devices, which will probably ship this summer, will be announced in May at the Google I conference. / O as promised by the company.

Google's Chrome OS was released almost 2 years ago and is an open source operating system for netbooks - the most popular computer until the iPad appears. After several delays, Google said devices running Chrome OS will be "on the shelf" in mid-2011, the deadline is also close.

In the past few months, there have been a number of people having the opportunity to test Chrome OS on Google's own CR48 Chrome netbook - which is the testing platform for developing hardware and software before the third company hardware is produced. mass production. The CR48 Netbook has a 12.1-inch screen, a full keyboard, a larger-than-normal mouse pad, 3G features, Wi-Fi 802.11 connectivity, webcam, and an 8-hour battery life.

When evaluating Chrome OS and CR48 laptops, PC World does not think that using Chrome OS is a revolutionary experience. In contrast, users seem like working with one hand tied to one side - can be done but clumsy. However, as noted, Chrome OS has some advantages compared to netbooks running Windows, such as booting only 15 seconds, longer battery life and simple usage.

But compared to the iPad, which is probably the most popular consumer device, is there a chance for a Chrome OS netbook? Maybe yes, if the price is lower. For example, it is reported that Asus will launch a Chrome OS netbook that costs less than $ 250 (~ 5.25 million), targeting those who want to use basic or web-based applications. This price is only half of the iPad's starting price, and may be attractive for many customers.

Meanwhile, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Toshiba, as partners from the beginning of Google for Chrome OS, have yet to announce a product, and have not mentioned the price and date of netbook use in the browser-based OS. this.

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