Bool () function in Python

In the Python programming language, bool () is used to convert values ​​to Boolean (True or False) using standard truth test procedures. So how to use bool () function? Please find out in this article.

In the Python programming language, bool () is used to convert values ​​to Boolean (True or False) using standard truth test procedures. So how to use bool () function? Please find out in this article.

Syntax of bool () function:


The parameters of bool () function:

Usually, the parameter of bool () function will be a value. It is not required to pass the value to bool (), and in the case of no value, bool () will return False.

What value does bool () return?

Bool () returns True or False:

  1. False: If the value is False or not transmitted.
  2. True: If the value is True.

The following values ​​will be evaluated by Python as False:

  1. None
  2. False
  3. 0 of any numeric data type, such as 0, 0.0, 0j.
  4. Empty ranges like (), [], ''.
  5. Empty map like {}.
  6. The object or class has __bool __ () or __len () __ returns 0 or False.

All values ​​outside the above list are True.

Example of bool function ()

 ktra = [] 

ktra = [0]

ktra = 0.0

ktra = None

ktra = True

ktra = ''

In this program, we will check a series of values, see bool () function returns False or True, we have the following output:

 [] là False 
[0] là True
0.0 là False
None là False
True là True là True

See more:

  1. Any () function in Python
  2. Function abs () in Python
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