Bitsadmin command getproxylist, getproxyusage and getreplydata
Today's article will introduce 3 commands: bitsadmin getproxylist, bitsadmin getproxyusage and bitsadmin getreplydata in Windows.
Bitsadmin command getproxylist, getproxyusage and getreplydata in Windows
- Bitsadmin getproxylist command
- Syntax
- Parameters
- For example
- The bitsadmin command getproxyusage
- Syntax
- Parameters
- For example
- The bitsadmin command getreplydata
- Syntax
- Parameters
- For example
Bitsadmin getproxylist command
The bitsadmin getproxylist command retrieves the proxy list for the specified task.
bitsadmin /GetProxyList
ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUIDNote: Proxy list is a list of proxy servers to use. The list is separated by commas.
For example
The following example retrieves the proxy list for the task named myDownloadJob.
C:>bitsadmin /GetProxyList myDownloadJob
The bitsadmin command getproxyusage
The bitsadmin getproxyusage command retrieves the proxy usage settings for the specified task.
bitsadmin /GetProxyUsage
ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUIDAttention: Values can be:
- PRECONFIG - Use the owner's Internet Explorer default.
- NO_PROXY - Do not use the proxy server.
- OVERRIDE - Use a clear proxy list.
- AUTODETECT - Automatically detect proxy settings.
For example
The following example retrieves the use of the proxy for the task named myDownloadJob.
C:>bitsadmin /GetProxyUsage myDownloadJob
The bitsadmin command getreplydata
The bitsadmin getreplydata command retrieves the server's response data in hexadecimal format.
bitsadmin /GetReplyData
ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUIDNote: This command is only valid for the task to be uploaded and answered.
For example
The following example retrieves the answer data for the task named myDownloadJob.
C:>bitsadmin /GetReplyData myDownloadJob
See more:
- The bitsadmin getbytestransferred and bitsadmin commands getcompletiontime in Windows
- Bitsadmin command getaclflags and bitsadmin getbytestotal in Windows
- The command bitadmin addfilewithranges in Windows
You should read it
- Bitsadmin getdisplayname and bitsadmin geterror command in Windows
- Bitsadmin getmodificationtime and bitsadmin getnoprogresstimeout command
- Bitsadmin getfilestransferred and bitsadmin commands getminretrydelay
- Order bitsadmin getnotifycmdline, getnotifyflags, getnotifyinterface
- Bitsadmin complete command in Windows
- The command bitadmin addfilewithranges in Windows
- The bitsadmin getbytestransferred and bitsadmin commands getcompletiontime in Windows
- The bitsadmin geterrorcount command and bitsadmin getfilestotal in Windows
- Bitsadmin command getowner, get priority and getproxybypasslist
- Bitsadmin command getcreationtime and bitsadmin getdescription in Windows
- Bitsadmin command getaclflags and bitsadmin getbytestotal in Windows
- Bitsadmin cancel command in Windows