Bitsadmin command getcreationtime and bitsadmin getdescription in Windows

The bitadmin command getcreationtime retrieves the time to create the specified task. The command bitadmin getdescription retrieves the description of the specified task.

The bitadmin command getcreationtime retrieves the time to create the specified task. The command bitadmin getdescription retrieves the description of the specified task.

Bitsadmin command getcreationtime and bitsadmin getdescription in Windows

  1. Bitsadmin getcreationtime command
    1. Syntax
    2. Parameters
    3. For example
  2. Bitsadmin getdescription command
    1. Syntax
    2. Parameters
    3. For example

Bitsadmin getcreationtime command


 bitsadmin / GetCreationTime 


ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUID

For example

The following example retrieves the task creation time named myDownloadJob.

 C:> bitsadmin / GetCreationTime myDownloadJob 

Bitsadmin getdescription command


 bitsadmin / GetDescription 


ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUID

For example

For example, after the description access for the task named myDownloadJob.

 C:> bitsadmin / GetDescription myDownloadJob 

See more:

  1. The command bitadmin addfilewithranges in Windows
  2. Bitsadmin create command in Windows
  3. Bitsadmin complete command in Windows
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