Apple will not be able to launch AI services in 2024

In the face of the extremely hot development trend of the general AI market recently, a big name in the technology world like Apple will of course not be able to stay out.

However, while Google and Microsoft are racing to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their products, Apple is more cautious. The Cupertino company has not made any notable official announcements in the field of general AI.

In fact, a new report from Bloomberg shows that Apple is stepping up research into new tools and services that leverage Generative Artificial Intelligence technology to compete with services from major competitors. like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Bard and many others. However, all of this is currently just a rumor, not an official announcement from Apple. Even according to experts, it will be difficult for Tim Cook and his associates to launch a general AI service and integrate it into their hardware ecosystem even if they want to.

Apple will not be able to launch AI services in 2024 Picture 1Apple will not be able to launch AI services in 2024 Picture 1


Renowned market analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently published a new note commenting on Apple's approach to the artificial intelligence market. Kuo thinks Apple is avoiding the AI ​​hype and won't add general AI features to its hardware products next year:

'Currently, there is no indication that Apple will integrate AI hardware and edge computing products by 2024. Therefore, all judgments at this time are for reference only' .

The analyst believes that Apple's progress in the technology sector is 'significantly below its competitors'. In contrast, companies like OpenAI and Google have both launched impressive products in this area. Google has even integrated AI into many of its services, such as Google Maps and YouTube.

Over the past few months, there have been many rumors that Apple has stepped up efforts to develop a compressed AI system that can fit well into its ecosystem. A team of company engineers is also working to address the privacy concerns surrounding the technology. However, on Kuo's analysis, he believes that the recent rumors of AI development will not have too positive impact on the stock price based on quarterly earnings reports.

CEO Tim Cook himself said in an interview in May that he used ChatGPT and closely follows the general AI field. However, he also realizes that innovative AI technologies still have a long way to go, with numerous problems to be improved.

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