2 minutes to regain confidence to do anything

There is an extremely simple but very effective strategy that can help you reduce stress, increase your ability to face stress and also increase confidence. The best thing is that it works right away and you only take 2 minutes.

There is an extremely simple but very effective strategy that can help you reduce stress, increase your ability to face stress and also increase confidence. The best thing is that it works right away and you only take 2 minutes. Here is the guide for you.

Hormone and confidence

Research from Harvard, Oregon and Texas universities and many others has shown that good leaders not only have great ideas but also share the same hormone levels. Specifically, the most powerful leaders tend to own high levels of testosterone and low cortisol levels . High testosterone levels (for both men and women) help increase feelings of confidence while low cortisol levels reduce anxiety and increase the ability to face stress.

That means that if you have such levels of hormone, biologically, you will become more confident, assertive and comfortable. At the same time, you are less affected by stress and easier to handle stressful situations. In other words, having a "standard" hormone level will help you a lot. It is important that hormones in the body change very rapidly depending on the physical, social and environmental conditions . The good news is that body language is related to these two hormones and that is the secret you will use to regain confidence.

Body language - energy posture

Amy Cuddy is a researcher from Harvard University who specializes in body language and its effects on hormones. Cuddy and his team have classified human postures into designs with "high power" and low "low power" designs . In general, positions with high energy levels show openness, relaxation while the other group shows closeness and defense. Here are some descriptive images for these two poses.

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The influence of these two types of standing is studied on 42 students according to the following process:

  1. Measure testosterone and cortisol levels on each person.
  2. Ask the character to stand in a high energy or low energy position for 2 minutes.
  3. Re-measure the above 2 hormone levels.

The results make us surprised at the impact of standing on hormones. People in high energy positions have testosterone levels that increase by 20% and cortisol levels by 25% . Below is a chart of results.

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The problem is how to apply this to life. A famous standing posture with the nickname of the " Superman Woman" female superman is the answer. You just need to stand up, stretch your chest and hold your hands on your hips . Images showing the standing of Christine Lagarde and Beyonce below are examples. Note that this posture is effective for both sexes. Stand like this for 2 minutes and you'll find yourself more confident and less stressed. If you pay attention, you will find body language very easy to adjust and bring positive.

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Research on Amy's "power pose" power styling was shared by her in TEDTalks and is also rated as one of the 20 best TED Talks of all time. In just 120 seconds, no one is too busy to regain confidence. Also for 2 minutes, what else can you do?

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