Your bone structure also affects appetite

A new study shows that the human skeleton is not only a muscle support structure, but also other tissues that affect appetite.

A new study shows that the human skeleton is not only a muscle support structure, but also other tissues that affect appetite.

Researchers in Canada have studied a hormone made by human bones, called osteocalcin, that affects the way we metabolize sugar and fat.

They revealed more new ways of osteocalcin that could open the door to new ways to prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Your bone structure also affects appetite Picture 1Your bone structure also affects appetite Picture 1

Mathieu Ferron, director of molecular and molecular physiological research at IRCM, said: "You don't need to think about whether women are prone to osteoporosis when they are menopausal because of reduced estrogen levels that we can understand. be a part '.

However, the concept of bone itself may affect other tissues only a few years ago with the discovery of osteocalcin.

Thanks to this hormone produced by bone cells, sugar is metabolized more easily.

Ferron said: " One of osteocalcin's functions is to increase insulin production, thereby reducing blood sugar . "

"It can also protect us from obesity by increasing energy spending," he said.

Studies have shown that, for some people, changes in osteocalcin levels in the blood may even prevent the development of diabetes.

Osteocalcin is produced by osteoblasts, the same cell responsible for making our bones.

The hormone accumulates in the bones, and then, through a series of chemical reactions, is released into the bloodstream, the researchers said.

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