Windows 10 and Office 365 are prohibited from use in all schools in a German state

Once again Microsoft infringes on the Common European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Once again Microsoft infringes on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - one of the most stringent EU laws regarding data protection and privacy rights for all individuals living in European Union territory and European Economic Area. And the incident this time made them pay a very expensive price.

Accordingly, the State Office of Data Protection and Freedom of Hesse, which has recently issued a ban on use of Windows 10 and Office, has recently issued a ban on use of Windows 10 and Office. 365 of all schools in the Hesse region, allegedly these two platforms seriously violated some of the provisions of GDPR, thus failing to meet the criteria to be used in schools.

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Windows 10 and Office 365 are prohibited from use in all schools in a German state Picture 1Windows 10 and Office 365 are prohibited from use in all schools in a German state Picture 1 GDPR is officially applied from May 25, 2018

Most likely, the problem is related to both cloud connectivity solutions of Windows 10 and Office 365, allowing you to resend some information about Microsoft servers in the United States. 'This information can include everything from software prediction information to content within Office 365 applications such as text, email, especially personal information about school. students and teachers. And the data receiving side (in the US) will 'be able to retrieve this information' - a direct violation of GDPR.

Previously, Microsoft also provided a special version of these software applications, storing data in a number of data centers located in Europe. However, Europe was no longer allowing Microsoft to do so, and data was sent directly to the United States.

In fact, this ruling is an inevitable result after many years of internal debate about whether to allow Microsoft software to be widely used in German school and educational systems. is not.

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Michael Ronellenuitsch, commissioner of the Hesse State Information and Freedom Information Office, said organizations and public agencies in Germany are obliged to have special responsibilities regarding the control of retrieval acts. , processing personal data of foreign applications and software such as Windows 10 and Office 365.

According to Mr. Ronellenuitsch, 'third-party access to cloud storage and remote data issues should be resolved in a way that is understandable and strictly compliant with the data protection regulations. multiply. In response to this, Office 365 can completely be used as a secure cloud solution in schools in Hesse '. Also note that Microsoft issues also affect many other IT solution providers operating in Germany such as Google and Apple. 'Cloud solutions of a number of major service providers have so far not been set out comprehensively and transparently. Therefore, adhering to great privacy at schools still has many loopholes to be addressed. '

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Windows 10 and Office 365 are prohibited from use in all schools in a German state Picture 2Windows 10 and Office 365 are prohibited from use in all schools in a German state Picture 2 Windows 10 and Office 365 have seriously violated some of the provisions of GDPR

The ban also makes certain schools in Hesse state certain difficulties, at least until Microsoft actually solves the data problems mentioned above. Currently, all schools in central Germany are subject to instructions from the Hesse Data Protection Office, which means using alternative software while waiting for feedback from Microsoft.

It is unclear how the affected parties will respond to this ruling, as well as possible disruptions, but observers said. The most likely way to quickly fix this problem is to simply return Microsoft to placing data centers in European territory.

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