Polished bag, sanding to perfect.
Artisans take up to 4 hours to complete this stage.
The bag consists of several layers (about 4 - 5 layers), made from the same type of skin as a bag. The straps are created with a standard form before being attached to the bag with perfect accuracy.
The "hardware" here is the decorative metal pieces on the bag. Hermès does not use screws to fix these parts like traditional bags but has a separate process called "Pearling". Because screws will loosen over time, this is not suitable for their luxury bags.
In order to protect the metal parts from being scratched, they will attach a piece of film to it until the buyer decides to peel it off.
Hermès has a separate department to examine the bags. Artisans will thoroughly examine every detail on each bag in accordance with Hermès standards.
If the product reaches the right quality and aesthetics, the inspector will seal the bag. This seal allows Hermès to retrieve the origin of the bag: the year of the factory, which factory, which artist made it.
Before being sold, the bags will be thoroughly examined every detail once they are delivered to Hermès's warehouse in Bobigny (France).
Only perfect bags are packed and shipped to Hermès stores.
Hermès' substandard bags will be destroyed. Hermès does not want any imperfect products out.
With the rigor in production, Hermès bags are always brought to the market with "dripping" speed. Therefore, many people are willing to spend a lot of money still waiting a few years to turn to buy an expensive bag.