What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing?
Lack of blood to the brain is a dangerous disease that can occur in all ages, all genders. So what should people eat on their brains and should not eat anything to get better soon? The answer will be in our following sharing.
- How dangerous is anemia?
- What is cerebral anemia? Should not eat?
- Good food for brain anemia
- What should cerebral anemia not eat?
How dangerous is anemia?
In diseases with the highest risk of death today, cerebral ischemia is third, only after cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cerebral anemia is also responsible for 25% of the total number of stroke events worldwide.
Anyone is at risk for brain ischemia. In mild forms, the disease often has symptoms such as headache, fatigue, dizziness. Once switched to severe stage, people with cerebral anemia may fall into temporary memory loss, hemiplegia, cold fear, blue skin, dizziness, . If not treated promptly, people The disease is prone to sudden death or hemiplegia at different levels.
What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing? Picture 1
Cerebral anemia - a disease with a high risk of death
What is cerebral anemia? Should not eat?
Although dangerous, people with cerebral anemia or the risk of cerebral ischemia can completely prevent and reverse this disease with a healthy, scientific menu.
Good food for brain anemia
People with cerebral anemia should eat more foods rich in vitamins and minerals , especially protein, iron and vitamin A.
1. Pig pigs
100g of pig liver contains about 25mg of iron. In addition, pig liver also contains vitamin A, selenium and many other nutrients. People with cerebral anemia should eat pig liver from 1-2 meals a week to improve disease. However, pig liver contains toxins so you need to be very careful when processing and should not use too much to backfire.
What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing? Picture 2
Pig liver
2. carrots
Carrots are one of the foods that are good for health and beauty. In carrots contains many nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, kalo, iron, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus to help blood supply, increase blood circulation.
What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing? Picture 3
3. Beef
Beef contains a lot of protein, iron, vitamin B2, B6, B12 to promote the regeneration of red blood cells, strengthen the immune system and provide oxygen for brain cells. In other words, beef is the ideal food for people with cerebral anemia.
What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing? Picture 4
4. Seafood products
Seafood is not only delicious but also very nutritious. In seafood, you can find lots of different nutrients like zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and good amino acids for your blood.
What should people eat when they are short of blood, should they eat nothing? Picture 5
In addition to the above dishes, you can also use appropriate brain tonic to increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of cerebral anemia. Some typical brain tonic that you can use such as: Functional food Blackmores Ginkgoforte (price of 425,000 VND), Super Ginkgo Solgar Health Protection Food (60 capsules) (price of VND 790,000), Food Omega 3 Fish Oil Concentrate (120 tablets) (price of 600,000 VND), Blackmores Omega Daily Concentrated Fish Oil (90 tablets) (selling price 630,000 VND), .
What should cerebral anemia not eat?
If liver, carrot, beef and seafood are very good dishes for people with cerebral anemia, fast food, canned food, sweets and alcohol are reversed. They cause high levels of blood fat, affect blood quality, hinder blood circulation, increase bad cholesterol in the body, etc. Many studies show that people who regularly drink alcohol at risk of stroke 5 times more than normal people. Therefore, if you do not want serious anemia, avoid absolutely these foods.
Hopefully, after our sharing, you know what anemia is and what you should not eat. Visit META.vn for advice and order the best brain tonic.
>>> Further reference: Reduced blood flow in the brain can make us stutter
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