What is MVVM? Difference between MVVM vs MVC and MVP

MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) is a software architectural pattern designed to separate application components, improving maintainability and development.

What is MVVM? Difference between MVVM vs MVC and MVP Picture 1What is MVVM? Difference between MVVM vs MVC and MVP Picture 1

MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) is a popular software architectural pattern in application development, especially in the .NET environment. However, this term is quite new, not everyone knows. So what is MVVM? Let's find out with  TipsMake  in the following article.

What is MVVM?

MVVM, short for Model-View-ViewModel, is a software architectural pattern designed to separate the components of an application, improving maintainability and development. This pattern is mainly used in applications with complex user interfaces, especially with technologies such as WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and Silverlight.

Components of MVVM

In MVVM architecture there are 6 main components: Views, Model, ViewModels, Data Binding, Data Template and Command.


The View folder contains the interface files along with the code-behind, but we usually use ViewModel instead of code-behind to follow the MVVM pattern. Although it is possible to use code-behind, it is not recommended because it can break the MVVM principles. In the XAML file, you can set the DataContext to associate the ViewModel with the interface. It is important to limit the code here. The MVVM pattern helps to separate the user interface from the Presentation Logic and Data.


The Model represents the data and business logic of the application. It contains objects and methods for retrieving, manipulating, and storing data. The Model has no dependencies on the View or ViewModel, allowing for easy reuse in many different contexts.


In the MVVM pattern, the ViewModels folder contains ViewModel classes for each interface file, which help manage and organize the logic of the ViewModel. ViewModels interact with Models to define data and related logic, acting as an intermediary between the View and the Model. They coordinate data, provide DataContext, Binding, and Behaviors SDKs, and pass code-behind down to the ViewModel.

ViewModel classes also manage display logic and application state, define properties, commands, and events to interact with interface components in the View, and help perform efficient data-binding between controls and data.

Data Binding

Data Binding is an important technique that links the UI interface and data through Business logic, allowing the UI to automatically update when data changes. In WPF, Data Binding supports both the update direction from the UI to the data. This is a new step in the MVVM model, becoming a core component of WPF. This technique allows binding data from simple controls to complex user controls, helping programmers to manipulate easily without using code-behind.

Data Template

Data Template is a technique in WPF used to create interface templates for Controls, defining how data and controls are displayed on the screen. It allows attaching non-visual data to a structure with many display components, helping the data to be presented as desired without using code-behind.


Commands in the MVVM pattern receive interaction data from the user and process that request. Commands use bindings to view and provide data, allowing the user to trigger processing methods through keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, and other actions.

What is MVVM? Difference between MVVM vs MVC and MVP Picture 2What is MVVM? Difference between MVVM vs MVC and MVP Picture 2

What is MVVM?

How does MVVM work?

In the MVVM pattern, the ViewModel plays the most important role, implementing most of the business logic and managing methods and properties to maintain the viewstate. The View displays the state of the ViewModel at different points in time. It is worth noting that the lower layers do not know about the data in the upper layers, providing a clear separation between application logic and user interface.

Advantages and disadvantages of using MVVM


● Easy testing ability: MVVM allows unit testing without depending on View, helping programmers to test logic without creating mockups like in MVP model.

● Increased reusability: Components in MVVM can be reused easily, allowing interface changes to happen without having to rewrite a lot of code.

● Good support for design and development: MVVM facilitates interaction between designers and developers, thanks to the clear separation between components.

● Fast development and easy maintenance: This model helps to speed up application development and reduce maintenance time thanks to its clear structure and flexible changeability.

● Powerful data binding: MVVM supports two-way data binding, allowing the View to automatically update when the Model changes and vice versa, which helps reduce duplicate code in managing interface state.


● Difficult to maintain when complex: When Views assign many unrelated variables and logic expressions, this can lead to code becoming unmanageable over time.

● Cumbersome for small projects: For small projects, adopting MVVM can cause unnecessary complexity, increasing development time due to the need to transfer data between components.

● ViewModel design time: In large projects, designing and maintaining ViewModels can become difficult and time consuming.

● Difficulty in debugging with complex databases: Data binding between components can cause difficulties in debugging when working with complex databases.

● Memory consumption: Two-way data binding can be memory consuming, especially when the amount of data is large or when there are many ViewModels running simultaneously.

Comparison between MVVM vs MVC and MVP

First, to be able to compare MVVM with MVC and MVP, let's understand the concepts of MVC and MVP.

● MVC (Model-View-Controller): One of the oldest architectural patterns, MVC divides an application into three main components: Model (data management), View (user interface) and Controller (logic management between Model and View). Controller acts as an intermediary, handling events from View and updating Model accordingly.

● MVP (Model-View-Presenter): MVP was developed to overcome some of the disadvantages of MVC. In MVP, Presenter replaces Controller, playing the main role in communication between Model and View. View becomes more passive, only displaying data and sending user actions to Presenter.

Below is a detailed comparison table between MVVM vs MVC and MVP


It can be seen that each architectural pattern - MVC, MVP and MVVM - has its own advantages and disadvantages, suitable for different development scenarios. MVVM stands out for its ability to separate business logic from the user interface, making it easier to test and maintain. However, the choice of which architectural pattern still depends on the specific requirements of the project and the development environment.

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