Decode the mystery of the interesting phenomenon that slammed into the mouth of a new beer bottle spitting foam
Slapping a mouthful of a new bottle of beer opened the lid, causing the foam to spew out to be an interesting joke, causing excitement in the parties. But why is that interesting phenomenon happening? Let's learn about the interesting scientific principle behind it!
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Decode the mystery of the interesting phenomenon that slammed into the mouth of a new beer bottle spitting foam Picture 1
Javier Rodriguez-Rodriguez, the head of research from the University of Carlos III (Spain), said that when a sudden smash of a beer bottle's mouth, wave pressure appears and penetrates through the liquid. This pressure goes to the bottom of the bottle and bounces up, then bounces back to the bottom. The up and down movement of compression and expansion waves produces bubbles and causes them to break quickly.
Decode the mystery of the interesting phenomenon that slammed into the mouth of a new beer bottle spitting foam Picture 2
The results showed that 'mother' bubbles formed from bursting bubbles form "carbon" "bubbles" of carbonic bubble clouds. The 'baby' bubble is very small but expands and swells faster than the "mother" bubble so it floats faster, leading to a bubble phenomenon. In particular, beams of bubbles when erupted are very cloud-like in an atomic bomb explosion.
We can apply trolls with this foam in our gatherings with friends, at parties. With a single touch and a light touch (you can use the bottom of your beer bottle to lightly tap on the mouth of a new beer bottle of someone else), it will surely startle many people.
In addition, the high or low amount of beer foam that helps us know more about beer quality. If foamy beer means new beer and vice versa.
See more:
- What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly?
- Alcohol contains 13 essential minerals for the body and 10 facts about beer and alcohol that you don't know
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