URL encoding in HTTP

HTTP URLs can only be sent via the Internet by using ASCII character sets, which often contain characters outside the ASCII character set. Therefore unsafe characters must be swapped with a% followed by two hexadecimal digits.

HTTP URLs can only be sent via the Internet by using ASCII character sets , which often contain characters outside the ASCII character set. Therefore unsafe characters must be swapped with a% followed by two hexadecimal digits.

The table below shows the ASCII symbols of their characters and replacements that can be used in the URL before passing it to the Server.

ASCIIBInterfaceThe replacement 32 space + or% 20 33! % 21 34 "% 22 35 #% 23 36 $% 24 37%% 25 38 &% 26 39 '% 27 40 (% 28 41)% 29 42 * * 43 +% 2B 44,% 2C 45 - - 46. 47 /% 2F 48 0 0 49 1 1 50 2 2 51 3 3 52 4 4 53 5 5 54 6 6 55 7 7 56 8 8 57 9 9 58:% 3A 59;% 3B 60 <% 3C 61 =% 3D 62>% 3E 63?% 3F 64 @% 40 65 AA 66 BB 67 CC 68 DD 69 EE 70 FF 71 GG 72 HH 73 II 74 JJ 75 KK 76 LL 77 MM 78 NN 79 OO 80 PP 81 QQ 82 RR 83 SS 84 TT 85 UU 86 VV 87 WW 88 XX 89 YY 90 ZZ 91 [% 5B 92% 5C 93]% 5D 94 ^% 5E 95 _ _ 96 `% 60 97 aa 98 bb 99 cc 100 dd 101 ee 102 ff 103 gg 104 hh 105 ii 106 jj 107 kk 108 ll 109 mm 110 nn 111 oo 112 pp 113 qq 114 rr 115 ss 116 tt 117 uu 118 etc 119 ww 120 xx 121 yy 122 zz 123 {% 7B 124 |% 7C 125}% 7D 126 ~% 7E 127% 7F> 127 Encoding with% xx, with xx being the representation in hexadecimal of characters.

According to Tutorialspoint

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