Top 8 strongest versions of Kang the Conqueror
Besides the main version appearing in the film, there are several other versions of Kang that are equally strong have been revealed. Join to discover right away the 8 versions of Kang that are said to be the strongest in the Marvel universe.
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Ant-Man's actions in the Quantum Realm led to the formation of the Kang Council in the Multiverse. Among them are the variants that are rated as the most powerful. Include:
One of the first variations of Kang to appear in the comics was an ancient Egyptian ruler named Rama-Tut. After Nathaniel Richards' time ship crashed and became stranded in Egypt, he used his new identity to rule there.
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Rama-Tut used his advanced technology to gain control, though he soon decided to continue his original purpose of conquering all timelines. The members of the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom encountered Rama-Tut while on a time travel adventure of their own, leading to the development of the next powerful version of Kang.
Scarlet Centurion
After Rama-Tut meets Doctor Doom, he realizes a kinship with the armor-clad tyrant. Not only that, but he was also inspired by the revelation that he was a descendant of Doctor Doom, Kang decided to create his own villain to take on the different lineups of Avengers.
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Kang armored himself with his technology and became Scarlet Centurion. He has not been active with this name for a long time, but the technology he used is still kept for other purposes. He created his son - Marcus to help conquer the Earth. Kang then gave Marcus the identity of Scarlet Centurion before wiping them both out.
Mister Gryphon
The new Avengers team encounters a new variant of Kang trapped in the past. Kang the Conqueror was split into different versions of himself due to a glitch in the timeline. When a mutant arrives in the Age of Heroes, he begins a new life as a businessman.
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As Mister Gryphon, he took control of the mighty Qeng Group. He has recruited and used super-criminals and powerful aliens with the aim of freeing himself from wandering in this timeline. Mister Gryphon had some of Kang's abilities, though he was unable to use the same technology as his superior variant and eventually died in the timeline.
Ahura Boltagon
Nathaniel Richards isn't the only character to use Kang's identity over the years. The son of Black Bolt and Medusa, Ahura Boltagon also once assumed the identity of Kang after the Conqueror raised him outside of the timeline to ward off a series of cosmic invasions.
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Ahura is the youngest son of the Inhuman Royal Family, he possesses strong psychic abilities. Black Bolt and Kang made a deal to keep Ahura safe during the Secret Wars event. Kang raised Ahura to be his successor and Ahura accidentally wiped out the Inhumans. Black Bolt was then forced to kill his own son when Ahura became Kang to restore the original timeline.
Iron Lad
Not every variation of Kang turns out to be one of the iconic Avengers villains. In fact, one of the youngest versions of Kang has actually become a hero and is a founding member of the Young Avengers.
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When Kang decided to speed up his own timeline, he contacted a younger version of Nathaniel Richards and told him about his future. Richards decided to reject the path that Kang suggested and wanted to go his own way. He stole Kang's technology and created his own armor to become Iron Lad. He later became Kid Immortus in a futile attempt to escape his future as Kang.
The Avengers are the first heroes to confront the Master of Time who calls himself Immortus. However, they soon discover that Immortus is actually an older version of the villain they know as Kang the Conqueror.
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Immortus serves cosmic beings known as the Time Keepers and resides in the dimension of Limbo that exists outside of time. When Rama-Tut learned his future self would submit to the Time Keeper, he changed course and became the rebellious Kang the Conqueror. This created a bitter rivalry between Kang and Immortus that lasted throughout the timeline.
Prime Kang
The first credits in Ant-Man 3 introduced fans to the Kang Council. A multiverse group that brings together variations of Kang from different timelines. However, there is still one variant that considers itself superior to all the others.
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Prime Kang is the version of Nathaniel Richards - the source of all other versions. He considers himself the purest variant of Kang and takes control of the Kang Council. Immortus was able to manipulate the Council to eliminate any other variants of Kang in order to cement Prime Kang's destiny. Besides, Kang also proved that he is the strongest when eliminating any opponent that stands in his way.
Doom The Annihilating Conqueror
An incredibly powerful version of Kang appears to threaten the multiverse when Scott Lang as Ant-Man leads the Future Organization. Iron Lad formerly became Kid Immortus teamed up with Doctor Doom after learning of a powerful Kang variant appearing. A variant of Doctor Doom fused with Kang and an extremely powerful cosmic being named Annilihusn.
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They became a new form called Doom The Annihilating Conqueror. Kid Immortus attempted to initiate his own transformation despite being betrayed by Doom. The Fantastic Four later helped prevent the formation of Doom The Annihilating Conqueror as well as quell the threat of the multiverse.
Which version of Kang are you most impressed with? Please share your thoughts with
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