The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life

Sun Tzu is an eminent military strategist in Chinese history as well as the father of The Art of War. Throughout his life, he not only left a sweet voice about the fabulous victories, but also a valuable strategic treasure of the Legion in the Sun Tzu.

Sun Tzu is a senior general in Chinese history. He is known to be one of the greatest military strategists of all time. Throughout his life, he not only achieved glorious feats, but also left his life with valuable strategies for the Siege, especially the Sun Tzu.

Sun Tzu's soldiers included all military arguments such as strategy, psychology, meteorology and terrain. In addition, this masterpiece also includes political, historical, philosophical, literary, economic, natural and social science issues. So, how is the Sun Tzu Method used in everyday life to bring about efficiency?

1. Struggling to improve habits:

Normally, people always develop new habits because they always try to achieve new goals, so it is necessary to have appropriate habits to achieve this goal. In order to be successful in life, people need to create good habits for themselves. Therefore, everyone needs to fight hard to fight bad habits that seem to be hard to give up.

Such as:

  1. We try to apply a strict diet as soon as we go out to dinner with friends.
  2. We try to write books when the surroundings are very noisy.
  3. We try to eat healthy when there are lots of sweet candies around.
  4. We try to do homework when the TV is open.
  5. We try to concentrate when using smartphones that have many movie-watching applications, listen to music, play games .

When we fail in the process of forming good habits and not achieving our goals, we blame ourselves for not really wanting to succeed, still not winning ourselves. However, in many cases, failure is not due to lack of will but due to improper strategic planning.

The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 1The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 1

Major military strategists began to build their reputation by winning simple battles and gradually improving their status. They wait until the enemy weakens or is in trouble to start attacking. Why fight head-on while the enemy has been well prepared and his ability to win is not high? Similarly, why create new habits when the surrounding conditions make it difficult for yourself.

Sun Tzu never released troops when facing adverse conditions, he did not attack the opponent's strong points. Similarly, we should improve ourselves from the smallest, simplest things to gradually form big habits from small habits and become a better person to reach out to greater goals in life.

2. Sun Tzu, master of habits:

Form easy-to-maintain habits

In his martial arts, Sun Tzu considers that we can only win the battle on the battlefield if we only allow soldiers to attack at defenseless positions. Concentrating on the enemy's weak spot will greatly reduce the damage to the number of troops, easily win the battle, and can push the sergeants of the soldiers.

The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 2The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 2

In life, too, we can only form good habits if these are habits you can maintain. Focusing on forming a hard-to-maintain habit will make it hard to change to meet, bring about a lot of impact on ourselves and often not achieve the goal of making yourself discouraged.

Know the time

Sun Tzu once wrote: "I will win if I know when to fight and when I should not fight" . There are battles where the rate of defeat is high, so it is best not to go to the army, but to force the battle to be able to win higher to preserve the number. The bottom line is to choose the right time and only act when necessary.

In life, success will come to those who choose what to do first and which should be done later. If you are too greedy to do many things at the same time, you will only end up losing.

The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 3The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 3

When encountering difficulties, "scoot" is a book

In Ton Tu's view, a good general is a man who avoids it when the enemy is strong both in force and morale but will attack immediately when the enemy is defeated.

In life, too, an intelligent person needs to avoid places that can amplify bad habits, instead, to eliminate these habits as soon as the opportunity arises.

To be able to form good habits, improving bad habits is not an early, one-way affair. Whether or not you achieve success is due to strategy, not simply desire and will.

The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 4The Sun Tzu and the defeat in life Picture 4

If you want to read a book, don't sit in a room with a TV, music player, game console. Instead, move to a quieter room. If you are overweight, do not try to apply exercise programs for athletes, but change your diet slowly and practice the simplest movements.

In short, to succeed, form good habits that are easiest to accomplish, win the simplest battles first.

Refer to the following articles:

  1. When life is too difficult, remember these 10 sentences
  1. 10 skills are not the most important but if they are, you will benefit from life
  1. 20 beautiful words to help you regain your beliefs and motivation

Hope the above article is useful to you!

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