The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it

This is one of those treasures that people don't know about their location, at least at the present time.

In the world, so many people spend their lives searching for treasures with the desire to change their lives. But there is a treasure that people know the location of but no one dares to touch, despite its enormous value.

  1. The glittering gold warehouse in the ancient Egyptian tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun
  2. The most famous and mysterious treasures of all time

In 2015, when conducting a survey at New Zealand's Taupo volcanic lake, geologists discovered huge gold and silver reserves at the bottom of the lake. This is a huge treasure but also the most dangerous treasure in human history, because a lake contains all the rich acids and some other deadly toxic chemicals like arsenic, mercury, sulfur and thallium. .

The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 1The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 1
This steaming lake is the most dangerous treasure in human history.

Experts say the temperature of the water in the lake is always around 400 degrees C due to the influence of volcanic magma.

Extremely powerful types of acids that have corroded rock and soil make the bottom of the lake only full of precious metals that are not corroded by acid, such as gold, silver, and platinum.

The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 2The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 2

This Taupo volcanic region has 18 lakes, and each lake is a huge treasure. Experts estimate that gold reserves at each lake are worth about 2.7 million USD, in addition to 8 tons of silver exploited each year, equivalent to 3.6 million USD.

In particular, this treasure will never run out. After mining, precious metal reserves will continue to recover as minerals in the soil continue to erode.

But even if the treasure has no limit, the exploitation is impossible in the present time. The toxic chemical environment is just a hindrance, but mainly because these reservoirs are located under some geothermal power plants - the main source of electricity for New Zealanders.

In order to exploit the treasure, the power plants will have to be shut down, the power supply to neighboring residents will be cut.

The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 3The most dangerous treasure in the world, no matter who knows the location, no one dares to touch it Picture 3

According to Stuart Simmons, a geologist at the University of Utah, to exploit this huge treasure without affecting geothermal power, we need to develop new technologies to separate gold from water. .

Taupo Volcano is part of the Taupo Volcanic Zone volcanic region that stretches over 300km and remains active for nearly 300,000 years. The nearest eruption of Lake Taupo volcanic region was about 1,800 years ago.


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