Test your understanding of well-known electronic technology firms
Today we live in the era of information technology boom, people have easy access to many new technologies and equipment to help improve the quality of life. Amidst the multitude of well-known brands in the market, are you sure you are knowledgeable about most of these technology firms? To test your level of understanding of this issue, Network Administrator has compiled several multiple-choice questions so that you can test your skills. If you are confident then start!
Question 1 : Yahoo is the abbreviation for:
A. Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Organization
B. Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
C. You Are Hierarchical Officious Oracle
Question 2 : Samsung in Korean means:
A. Tam Sao
B. Longevity
C. Hùng Mạnh
Question 3 : Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo is the original name of the electronics company:
A. Sony
B. Nintendo
C. Konica Minolta
Question 4 : Apple Company changed its name from Apple Computer in:
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
Question 5 : Google is a misspelled word of:
A. Googol
B. Googool
C. Googel
Question 6 : Thefacebook.com is changed to Facebook.com later:
A. 4 months
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
Question 7 : The origin of the name Asus, Taiwanese computer company, is:
A. A spirit in Greek mythology
B. An animal in Greek mythology
C. A mountain in Greek mythology
Question 8 : The correct spelling of Hotmail email service is:
B. hotMAIL
C. HoTMaiL
Question 9 : LG is an abbreviated brand of:
A. Life's Good
B. Lucky GoldStar
C. Lucky Group
Question 10. What is the launch event for a series of new Apple products like iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4?
A. 9/9/2015
B. September 12, 2015
C. October 6, 2015
D. 9/10/2015
1. B
2 A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A
See more:
- Attractive paid jobs at Google
- Top 5 technologies are expected to change people's lives in the future
- Tim Cook's precious shares that every leader should listen to
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