Test about database security P12
Testing of databases will help you gain more useful knowledge about this topic to apply to learning and working. The question set will have 10 sentences to test your knowledge
- Question 1. Declaring table structure includes:
- Declare the size of the school
- Create links between tables
- Name the fields and specify the data type for each field
- A and C are right
- Question 2. Which of the following is not a type of relational database creation?
- Create table structure
- Select the primary key
- Name the table and save the table structure
- Enter the original data
- Question 3. During the process of creating the structure of a table, when creating a field, which of the following is not necessarily done?
- Name, the names of the fields to distinguish
- Select the data type
- Set size
- Description of content
- Question 4. For the following actions:B1: Create a table
B2: Name and save the structure
B3: Select the primary key for the table
B4: Create links
When creating a relational database, we take the following steps in turn:- B1-B3-B4-B2
- B2-B1-B2-B4
- B1-B3-B2-B4
- B1-B2-B3-B4
- Question 5. The first thing to create a relational database is:
- Create one or more forms
- Create one or more reports
- Create one or more questions
- Create one or more tables
- Question 6. Which of the following is not a data update operation?
- Enter the original data
- Fix inappropriate data
- Add a record
- Copy the database to a backup copy
- Question 7. Editing data is:
- Delete some relationships
- Delete the value of some properties of a set
- Change the values of some properties of a set
- Delete some properties
- Question 8. Clearing the record is:
- Delete one or several relationships
- Delete one or several databases
- Delete one or several sets of tables
- Delete one or more attributes of the table
- Question 9. Which of the following is not a relational database exploit?
- Arrange the logs
- Report output
- View data
- Question 10. Relational database exploitation can be:
- Create a table, specify a primary key, create a link
- Set field names, select data types, define field properties
- Add, edit, delete records
- Sort, query, view data, render reports
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