Review : Dead by Daylight Mobile - Run away or fight

Birth and death. Dead by Daylight Mobile will decide for you through a game. Exciting, thrilling, tense is what you will experience through this game

Developer: Behavior Interactive

Koch Media (iOS, Android)


Release date:
Android, iOS

' As quiet as a mouse crept in every corner of the church, and consciousness slowly returned. A quick look left and right, and the shoreline became clear to my eyes, so I stood up and started doing something. After a bunch of 'skill check' , I found it very easy. But the heart rate is starting to get faster. I used another 'skill check' again. Gah, I made a big mistake. The heart beat faster and faster. Ah! What the hell? '

After a series of terrifying moments, you run away when a monstrous ghoul chases you with a long piece of sharpened metal. Oh my! Your leg! It's stuck in a trap! Don't think you can escape, because the vampire is hovering above you. It swoops down and grabs you easily over its shoulder and brings you to a nearby tree branch, leaving you there. Then it goes in search of prey with fresher meat. And when you try to get out of there with limited efforts, you suddenly realize that no matter how hard you try, it's futile.

But wait, who is that? A survivor shows up and rescues you. You follow them, and let them heal you. The two quickly repair the generator together, and there will be an exit door. Suddenly something crazy flashed through while you waited for your teammate to open it, then the vampire appeared and killed them. You run away from its bloodlust, and wait until it's gone, then you're sure it's time to step through the exit.

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Talk a little bit about a typical game of Dead by Daylight Mobile, an iOS and Android version of its big brother PC and console. If you haven't played this game, it's a multiplayer game where four players take on the role of survivors and one player takes on the role of killer. The survivors must turn on a series of generators and make their way to the exit, while the killer must track down to try and kill them.

Survivors will play in first person and search for generators across the map, repairing them to power the exits. There are four in total, and you can repair it alone or work with a team to speed things up. In fact, being 'teamwork' will be the focus of the survivor's role, as you can't really do much on your own. You'll need to rescue survivors from killers, heal each other, distract enemies, and more. You should also really 'teamwork' because these things are very beneficial to your victory, because you really have a hard time surviving by acting alone.

However, the slayer doesn't have those problems and the fact that it faces four opponents, it can be said that your enemies are outnumbered. But it can run faster, slash survivors with weapons, set traps, break furniture, and has really strong senses to sniff out survivors with ease. That was the pure strength of the killer compared to the 'teamworked' strength of the fugitive side. That was a real battle


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It's not entirely accurate, though, as killers rarely actually kill people. Their job is to capture survivors and stick them in a sacrificial hook. After a brief prelude, the real enemy, known as the 'Entity', appears and kills the survivors, unless they are rescued before this happens.

The smartest thing about this killer versus survivor system is that the killer sees in first person, while survivors see in third person. Anyone who has played battle royale shooters in both first- and third-person perspective knows the pros and cons of both. Survivors can view a much larger radius at once and see visually where the killer is looking, thanks to a red cone of light appearing in front of them. It's a great method to maintain balance for both sides.

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That red cone of light is just one of many visual cues you can rely on as both a killer and a survivor. As the killer approaches, the survivor's heart rate is displayed and you can hear it while wearing a headset or phone speaker. The faster the heartbeat and the brighter the appearance, the closer the killer is. Other visual indicators for survivors include having their teammates marked (as well as generators) when doors are closed or in danger, and exits and other useful objects being notified. .

However, the killer has more 'visual cues' on which to base his hunt on you. If a survivor fails to use 'skill check', they will be as bright as a Christmas tree and you can run straight to them. If they run away, you will be able to track scratches on the ground or even their blood if they get hit. When you catch a downed survivor, nearby landmarks will also be marked, allowing you to quickly stab your opponent.

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In addition, to ensure that multiple audio signals are converted into images must have been an important challenge for 'Behavior Interactive' when developing on the mobile version. Many cell phone players can be at a disadvantage when playing in public places or simply not playing with headphones or with the sound on. Fortunately, the visual cues are reliable enough that this shouldn't be a big deal. But we still recommend playing with headphones instead, as the audio cues are great and so handy, at least you won't be at a huge disadvantage if you choose not to use them.

But you can learn the details of how all games work by reading our 'Dead by Daylight Mobile' guide. You may be wondering how good the game experience inherent in PC will be when translated to mobile devices? Yes, it's a bit of a mix, but we confidently say the pros outweigh the cons. Overall, it's a comfortable experience on mobile devices with (thankfully) minimal virtual buttons. Slide your thumb on the left side of the screen to move your character and right side to move the camera. There are virtual buttons for interacting with objects, crouch/slash depending on whether you're a survivor or a killer, and a handy rear view button.

However, there are some problems. The controls can be a bit unresponsive at times, which is an inherent problem with many complex games that force the use of a touchscreen. We had an issue where button presses didn't trigger on our first try, where the camera wouldn't move on the first swipe and even when the camera just moved and moved without no need for us to swipe.

Similarly, we tried 'skill check' with no success (short-lived events, requiring a well-timed button tap) because we accidentally swiped across the small corner of the screen you must press. We're not entirely sure why they're asking us to emphasize a particular part of the screen, rather than just the screen as a whole.

On the surface, it's also a bit disappointing, looking more like an upgraded PS2 game than an adaptation of an existing title. The textures are extremely low-resolution, the environment is gray and lifeless and it's all just a little brown for our liking. However, it's really not that different from the core experience on PCs and consoles. All in all, it's not a particularly pretty casual game.

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However, another plus point of the game is that it runs very 'smooth'. We haven't even experienced signs of slowness or instability at this point, and we've had matches at both 30fps and 60fps (fps). And it's also not the particularly large battery drain that will cause you to worry when playing for a long time because it is the support of the best optimized 3D games on mobile devices.

Our only real complaint about performance is extremely long load times. When starting the game, you must first wait until the other players arrive (and this wait is much longer if you choose to play a killer, rather than a survivor), then have to wait a long time to actually join the match. We can't think of another mobile game that takes this long to load and this puts it at a disadvantage because you have the ability to choose something else to play when you only have a few minutes. to kill.

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Good news on the monetization front, though, as Dead by Daylight Mobile is one of the least 'greedy' free games we've come across. You don't have to pay a dime to enjoy the game, with all premium options limited to 'skins' and 'characters'. The 'charaters' cost around $4.99 (£4.99) to purchase in perpetuity, while costumes can range from $1.99 (£1.99) all the way up to $9.99 (£9 .99).

Although it is quite expensive, it is acceptable, because it is completely your choice and you can earn a small amount of currency daily and weekly. It may take you a long time to save, but it is possible that you can earn enough to buy the things you want without spending. There is also a seasonal rewards system, which 'resets' every 13th, but unfortunately it doesn't give you any indication of what portion you can get for climbing the leaderboard class.

Overall, we are quite impressed with Dead by Daylight Mobile. It completely achieves its goal of moving the entire experience from PC, console to mobile, with some changes needed to adapt to smaller screens. Some of the changes in this are really good, like the enlarged visual cues, while others aren't so good, like the touch controls aren't as good. 

Besides, this game along with Call of Duty Mobile, PUBG Mobile, Brawl Stars and more is one of the best multiplayer games that you can enjoy with your friends no matter where you are. . You can get it now from 'App Store' or 'Google Play'.

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