Query XML data from a table with XML data type

This article illustrates how to create an XML Schema, create a table with an XML data type, import an XML file into a table with an XML data type, query the XML file, and produce the same result as the actual result set. shown by SQL Transact commands.

The purpose of this article is to guide Microsoft SQL Server database administrators in:

• Create XML schema (XML Shema).
• Create a table with XML data type.
• Import XML file into table with XML data type.
• Query XML file.
• Query the XML file and output the result, similar to the output from Transact SQL Statement commands.

Step 1

First, create a C file: XMLCustomer1.XML as shown below. This XML file contains data related to a customer.

2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00

2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00

2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00

Step 2

Create a database (database) and a set of XML Schema as below:

 USE [master] GO / ****** Object: Database [XMLTest] Script Date: 04/17/2007 01:49:43 ****** / IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'XMLTest ') DROP DATABASE [XMLTest] go to create database XMLTest go to use XMLTest Create XML Schema Collection XMLTrack as N' 'go 

Note : updating the Schema collection is based on your own data in the XML file.

Step 3

Create a table with XML data type:

/ ****** Object: Table [dbo]. [XMLFiles] Script Date: 04/17/2007 02:07:52 ****** /
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID (N '[dbo]. [XMLFiles]') AND type in (N'U '))
DROP TABLE [dbo]. [XMLFiles]

create table XMLFiles (Fileid int identity (1,1),
ImportedDate datetime constraint xmldatestamp default getdate (),
Filename varchar (500),
data xml (XMLTrack))

Step 4

Enter the XML file you just created (C: XMLCustomer1.XML), using the openrowset function as shown below:

SELECT 'Customer1' a, *
as mytable

Note : The SINGLE_BLOB keyword will import the entire XML file for a column with an XML data type.

Step 5

Query the XMLFiles table, using the SQL operations shown below:

 USE [XMLTest] go select * from XMLFiles where FileId = 1 go 

This command will produce the following results:

Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 1Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 1
Figure 1.0

When you click on the data, it also displays XML data (Figure 1.1).

 2007-03-3106: 40: 38.0000-05: 00 james.brewer 1AE A-Accessible 761 Stopped 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00 james.brewer 1AE Not-Accessible 870 Stopped 30 2007-03- 31T06: 40: 3800000-05: 00 james.brewer 1AE A-Accessible 97F Started 30 

Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 2Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 2
Figure 1.1

Step 6

Now, query the XML data from the table to produce an SQL transaction as the result set. Execute XQuery program as below:

ref.value ('Date', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Date],
ref.value ('user', 'nvarchar (364)') as [User],
ref.value ('Userid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Userid],
ref.value ('ls', 'nvarchar (364)') as [ls],
ref.value ('eqtid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [eqtid],
ref.value ('es', 'nvarchar (364)') as [es],
ref.value ('tp', 'nvarchar (364)') as [tp]
FROM XMLFiles CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('// Customer / CustomerLogInfo') R (ref)
where Fileid = 1

The program will produce results as shown in Figure 1.2:

 Date, User, Userid, ls, eqtid, es, tp 2007-03-3106: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 761, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, Not-Accessible, 870, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 97F, Started, 30 

Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 3Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 3
Figure 1.2

Step 7

Now repeat step 4 and re-enter the data.

 USE [XMLTest] go INSERT INTO XMLFiles (Filename, DATA) SELECT 'Customer1' a, * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C: XMLCustomer1.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) as mytable go 

Step 8

Query the table as shown below:

 USE [XMLTest] go select * from XMLFiles go 

The result is:

Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 4Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 4
Figure 1.3

Step 9

To display all data from both rows, we can write the query as shown below:

ref.value ('Date', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Date],
ref.value ('user', 'nvarchar (364)') as [User],
ref.value ('Userid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Userid],
ref.value ('ls', 'nvarchar (364)') as [ls],
ref.value ('eqtid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [eqtid],
ref.value ('es', 'nvarchar (364)') as [es],
ref.value ('tp', 'nvarchar (364)') as [tp]
FROM XMLFiles CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('// Customer / CustomerLogInfo') R (ref)
where Fileid = 1
union all
ref.value ('Date', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Date],
ref.value ('user', 'nvarchar (364)') as [User],
ref.value ('Userid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [Userid],
ref.value ('ls', 'nvarchar (364)') as [ls],
ref.value ('eqtid', 'nvarchar (364)') as [eqtid],
ref.value ('es', 'nvarchar (364)') as [es],
ref.value ('tp', 'nvarchar (364)') as [tp]
FROM XMLFiles CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('// Customer / CustomerLogInfo') R (ref)
where Fileid = 2

The results are in the form of Figure 1.4.

 Date, User, Userid, ls, eqtid, es, tp 2007-03-3106: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 761, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, Not-Accessible, 870, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 97F, Started, 30 2007-03-3106: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 761, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, Not -Accessible, 870, Stopped, 30 2007-03-31T06: 40: 38.0000000-05: 00, james.brewer, 1AE, A-Accessible, 97F, Started, 30 

Note: If you are planning to display all data from each row with an XML data type, you can create a stored procedure with a temporary table or pointer .

Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 5Query XML data from a table with XML data type Picture 5
Figure 1.4


This article illustrates how to create an XML Schema, create a table with an XML data type, import an XML file into a table with an XML data type, query the XML file, and produce the same result as the actual result set. shown by SQL Transact commands.

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