Makeup tips to keep youthful look

The following makeup tips will help you own a youthful and radiant face no matter what age you are.

You feel confused when wrinkles and age spots appear more and more, a sign of your age. However, do not worry too much about this because with the following makeup tips you can still own a youthful, fresh and radiant face, no matter what age you are.

Makeup tips to keep youthful look Picture 1Makeup tips to keep youthful look Picture 1 Makeup tips to keep youthful look

Here are some makeup tips to help you stay young


Don't wear too much makeup

This is very important, because heavy makeup is the "culprit" of your age. Moreover, heavy makeup means that you are covering up big defects, big wrinkles on your face. Too much makeup also makes you very "clown", compared to your age.

So the first rule when applying makeup you need to remember to always be able to preserve your youthful features is to avoid making the mistake of wearing too much makeup.


Don't abuse foundation

You often have the habit of using foundation whenever you wear makeup because you want to enhance the beauty of your skin, but this is an unhealthy habit. Because using foundation a lot for a long time is the reason for adding wrinkles to the skin.

So you should only use foundation when necessary and also understand that it is not necessary to use foundation every time you apply makeup.


Choose foundation according to skin color

You should remember that with time and age, your skin has changes in color and elasticity, so it is not recommended to use only one type of foundation for a long time. Surely the foundation you used 10 years ago is no longer suitable for your skin today.

When choosing foundation, you should choose the color that is closest to the skin you are "owning", this will help you stand out more when applying makeup.


Let's curl your eyelashes

Curved eyelashes will have the effect of helping your eyes become much more soulful, especially it also gives you a youthful beauty.

After curling your eyelashes, you can use Mascara to polish your eyelashes, the Mascara color can be brown or black depending on your preference. You can choose Mascara with a small brush head so that the Mascara does not smudge, it is convenient to brush the eyelashes at the top of the eye.


Trim eyebrows

Your eyebrow "system" should be arranged in an orderly "line". This will effectively make your face much more compact, and can also see the eyebrows as an extremely impressive highlight on the face.

Never wear makeup with eyebrows that do not follow any rules, this not only proves that you are sloppy in makeup but also makes you look much older.


Use a concealer stick

Concealer bars will help your skin cover wrinkles or age spots on your skin, which is the main cause of making you look older than your years.

Using a concealer bar has the advantage that if used skillfully, it will help you achieve the desired purpose of covering your face defects or vice versa, it can also have a counterproductive effect if you are careless and ignorant people.

There are 3 types of concealers: cream, stick and liquid. You need to read the instructions carefully before use and can consult with makeup experts.

Note: Should choose a concealer with the same skin tone, it will help conceal more effectively.


Skip the lip line or just blur it

Lip lines that are too thick or too bold will not create a highlight for the lips as you think because it makes you look much older, making the lip lines not inherently soft but on the contrary will become very hard. .

So you can use a matte lip liner to keep the lipstick from slipping out, or maybe it's okay not to line your lips.

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