Learn about the strangest and rarest Devil Fruit Blox Fruit

Meme Fruit is a developer-specific Blox Fruit that cannot be obtained by regular players. There is no other way to get it than to become a developer or have the admin grant it to you.

It has only one move, which can deal massive damage to allies, but has no effect on non-allied players. It is the epitome of a troll devil fruit and only a select group of people, such as those in the admin, have access to it.

Learn about the strangest and rarest Devil Fruit Blox Fruit Picture 1Learn about the strangest and rarest Devil Fruit Blox Fruit Picture 1

This Devil Fruit is also notable for being the only Blox Devil Fruit that has no physical shape or symbol. This is because it cannot be achieved in normal gameplay.

It also differs from other Devil Fruits in that it has only one move, while even the most popular and weakest Blox Fruit for casual players has at least four moves.

Meme Fruit's move

Learn about the strangest and rarest Devil Fruit Blox Fruit Picture 2Learn about the strangest and rarest Devil Fruit Blox Fruit Picture 2


Players create a single traffic cone at their cursor while performing the clapping animation. The cone can also collide with the player, allowing it to be pushed around, although this is quite difficult. This move can shoot another player, but they must ally with you.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. A great way to damage people.
  2. Deals infinite damage and takes only one hit to kill instantly.


  1. Requires high precision.
  2. Including only one skill or move can't even damage anyone if you don't ally with everyone.
  3. NPCs cannot be destroyed.
  4. There is no combined potential.


  1. This Devil Fruit's move has no cooldown at all, allowing it to be extremely spammy.
  2. This fruit cannot normally be obtained in-game, as it is not sold from the Blox Devil Fruit Dealer or the Blox Devil Fruit Gacha, cannot be found underneath the Tree, and cannot be obtained from Ship raids. , Castle or Factory. Can't even get in .
  3. The only way to unlock it is to become an admin or get it given to you by the admin.
  4. Marines can attack each other or damage each other using this Devil Fruit, including anyone in the safe zone. Their level also doesn't matter, as it can attack people whose level is too low compared to PVP.
  5. It is the only Devil Fruit that lacks a symbol and physical form.

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