What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst

Read the article of TipsMake.com to know the effect of passion fruit juice and how to make delicious passion fruit juice to help cool down hot summer days.

With a delicious taste, passion fruit juice has become the favorite drink of many people. However, not all of them understand what passion fruit juice does and how it is delicious . If you are also wondering about these issues, please read our article for detailed answers!

How to drink passion fruit juice?

Passion fruit (or passion fruit) is a tropical fruit, spherical or oval, when ripe, with yellow or burgundy peels, juicy inside, grainy. According to experts, passion fruit is rich in nutrition, especially rich in beta carotene (precursor of vitamin A), vitamin C, digestive fiber and potassium.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 1What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 1

Passion fruit contains many nutrients

Drinking lemon juice regularly brings many health benefits, namely:

Stable blood sugar, support diabetes treatment: Passion fruit has a low glycemic index and high fiber content. Thus, it can help people with diabetes stabilize blood sugar, reduce bad cholesterol and improve insulin function.

Cancer prevention: Passion fruit is thought to prevent cancer because it contains many vitamins A, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and antioxidants. Not only that, piceatannol - a substance found in passion fruit also helps to destroy colorectal cancer cells.

Protect the cardiovascular system: Potassium in passion fruit has an important role in regulating blood pressure, helping blood vessels relax, increasing blood flow, thereby reducing stress on the heart and improving health. cardiovascular system. In addition, the two flavonoids and phenolic acid of passion fruit also work to control cholesterol levels, increase good cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol (bad cholesterol is one of the causes of artery blockage and weakening the activities of heart).

Strengthen the immune system: Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, vitamin A and some amino acids such as prolin, valin, tyrosine, treonin, arginine, passion fruit juice can help promote white blood cell activity, prevent infection, Anti-oxidant, protects immune system.

Improve digestive function: Passion fruit has an ideal fiber content: 25g of passion fruit contains about 2g of fiber and most of it is soluble fiber. The soluble fiber of passion fruit has a laxative effect, improves bowel motility, prevents constipation and reduces bad cholesterol by excreting in the stool.

Skin beauty: Vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin in passion fruit are very good for the skin. They not only help skin healthier every day but also prevent aging, anti-inflammatory, acne prevention.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 2What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 2

Passion fruit juice helps beautify the skin

Stress relief: Drinking lemon juice regularly will help replenish potassium and folate for your body. These two substances are very good for brain health, help reduce stress, anxiety, regulate blood flow, improve awareness, prevent memory impairment.

Good for skeletal system: Not only potassium, passion fruit also contains many other types of antagonists such as magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus . These are essential nutrients for bones, help bones strong, prevent osteoporosis.

Improve sleep: The alkaloids in passion fruit have a sedative effect, reduce anxiety, restlessness, help deeper sleep. Therefore, people who suffer from insomnia or suffer from sleep disorders should drink lemon juice regularly.

Prevent respiratory diseases: Passion fruit juice can act as a natural tonic with the use of reducing phlegm in the throat, improving asthma, dry cough, shortness of breath .

Weight loss support: Passion fruit is high in fiber but very low in fat and calories. Drinking lemon juice regularly can help you reduce cravings, support weight loss effectively.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 3What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 3

Passion fruit helps to lose weight, maintain physique

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  1. 16 amazing benefits from lemons you probably didn't know
  2. This is why you should put lemon lemons next to the bed?

Instructions on how to make delicious passion fruit juice

Passion fruit when ripe can be processed into many different drinks. Here are some delicious and simple ways to make passion fruit that you can refer to and apply:

How to make passion fruit smoothie

Ingredients: 4 passion fruit, 100ml fresh milk, 40ml condensed milk, 4 tbsp sugar, 100ml filtered water, shaved ice.


  1. Step 1: Add passion fruit to the inside. You can keep the seed or not depending on your preference.
  2. Step 2: Add passion fruit, fresh milk, condensed milk, sugar and water into a blender.
  3. Step 3: Pour the mixture of passion fruit, sugar, milk into a glass, add ice and enjoy.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 4What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 4

Healthy nutritious passion fruit smoothie


How to make passion fruit juice simple

Ingredients: 2 passion fruit, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, ice cubes.


  1. Step 1: Cut the passion fruit in half, scrape away the intestines and place in the glass.
  2. Step 2: Add sugar, salt along with the flesh of the passion fruit and then beat it up.
  3. Step 3: Pour the filtered water into the glass (about 2/3 cup), add ice and enjoy.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 5What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 5

Passion fruit ice lemon helps cool summer days

How to make lemon zest

Ingredients: 60ml seedless passion fruit, white sugar, shaved ice, 1 piece of lemon rind.


  1. Step 1: Add passion fruit, shaved ice and lemon zest to a blender.
  2. Step 2: Add white sugar to the mixture of freshly ground ingredients to suit the taste.
  3. Step 3: Mix the ingredients in a glass and enjoy.

What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 6What is passion fruit juice for? How to make delicious passion fruit has summer thirst Picture 6

Delicious snow passion fruit

Hope the sharing in our article will help you know what passion fruit juice works as well as ways to make delicious passion fruit juice to cool the summer. Thank you for your interest and follow the article!

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