Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks.

Intel has recently released a benchmark list of the latest 9th generation processors in the Core line compared to the Ryzen 3000 series chips from AMD's 'roadblocks'.

Remembering at the 2019 Computex event that ended a few months ago, Intel's representative once stood on the stage and stated that he would prove to the world that their CPUs are always better than AMD in most of them. Real world benchmark tests.

And to confirm that I didn't "cut the wind", Intel recently released a benchmark list of Intel's latest 9th generation processors compared to the Ryzen 3000 series chips. AMD 'road junk', in various practical tasks.

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 1Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 1 AMD is still doing very well as a challenger to Intel

In our benchmark tests, Intel used a different scoring tool than the one AMD uses is Cinebench. Intel believes that Cinebench is actually only used by reviewers, and only about 0.54% of regular users have actually used this benchmarking tool.

Intel urges people to evaluate the product from a practical perspective, rather than relying on mere tests that lack practical applicability. Accordingly, the "green giant" offers a number of tests on software that is widely used in real life, such as work, entertainment . At the same time implicitly assumes that the benchmark results are AMD. Previously, it passed Intel's product because of the biased Cinebench.

Accordingly, Intel chose to use Sysmark - what they call the fairest and most practical benchmarking tool today.

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 2Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 2 Sysmark - Intel benchmarking tool used

With the benchmark results, Intel insisted that their 9th generation CPU was much stronger than Ryzen 3000, all practical tasks proved this, and AMD's chips were only marginally higher in each spell. Just try Cinebench. As follows:

The results show that Intel's 9th generation (Core i9 and Core i7) chips are stronger than the Ryzen 9 3900X - the most popular name of the AMD 3000 family. Although the Core i9 9900K CPU only has 8 cores 16. threading, but the performance is much higher than the Ryzen 9 3900X possesses up to 12 24 threads!

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 3Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 3 Intel insisted that their 9th generation CPU was much stronger than Ryzen 3000 in common tasks

More specifically, according to the test results, for the performance of handling Windows desktop applications (Windows desktop application performance), Core i9 9900K is about 7% stronger, while the Core i7 9700K is also 3% higher than AMD Ryzen 9 3900X. Regarding the processing of blockbuster games (AAA), which requires extremely good handling, both Core i9 9900K and Core i7 9700K are still stronger than Ryzen 9 3900X, respectively 6% and 2%. For some other tests related to computing and browsing capabilities, the results are still inclined to Intel's products with a slightly higher level of less than 10%.

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 4Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 4 Core i9 9900K outperformed Ryzen 9 3900X in terms of performance and game handling

Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 5Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 5 The Core i7 9700K outperforms the Ryzen 9 3900X in its highly configurable game handling capabilities

More importantly, the test results also show that the memory usage of Intel CPUs is slightly better than that of AMD products. The Core i7 9700K chip completed the test in 15 minutes, while the Ryzen 9 3900X took 17 minutes. Similar results were demonstrated in the data transmission latency test when AMD products had a greater latency, at about 75ns - 78ns, in Intel products only at 44ns. .

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 6Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 6 AMD products have higher data transfer latency than Intel

Reading this far, many Intel fans must have been happy, but please do not rush. This is still just a test result done by Intel itself, not a reputable intermediary, and of course, no one can reveal their unfavorable results. In fact, this result is also causing many heated controversy on countless technology forums, everyone has their own arguments.

Put aside the benchmark results that Intel has released, the world's largest chip maker is still struggling with the 14nm, or 10nm, process, while rival AMD has made the world worth mentioning. My name when I released the Ryzen 3000 CPU line produced on the first 7nm process in the world. In this regard, Intel may not be able to catch up immediately with its competitors, even with the product lines launched next year.

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The successful development of CPU on 7nm process gives AMD a significant competitive advantage over Intel. Unless Intel takes more aggressive steps, AMD can easily beat this 'monument' in the desktop CPU segment.

Even if you don't want to, but Intel still has to admit that AMD has really put in effort, and the way they narrow the gap between themselves and their opponents is respectable. Although Intel is still the leading company in the processor chip market, AMD has come a long way and can absolutely threaten their 'king'.

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Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 7Intel unveiled the 'real' benchmark results of the 9th generation Intel chip, defeating AMD Ryzen 3000 at all important tasks. Picture 7 Intel needs to focus on improving and launching really effective, user-perceived and evaluated products

It is not clear whether the results of the benchmarking of 'self-acting and self-acting' above will help Intel gain some advantage in the market. But perhaps what this manufacturer needs to focus on at the moment is to focus on improving and launching really effective products, and that effect must be perceived and beat by the users themselves. price!

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