Inspirational sayings inspire us to learn for life
Albert Einstein once said that "once you stop learning, you start dying." No matter how confident you are, there are many things in the outside world that you still don't understand. Even you alone have a multitude of mysteries that you have not found the answer to.
The world will change when you know and constantly expand your knowledge. If the mind is narrow, seeing short-sighted, disparate things about everything is clear, in modern society, you are eliminating yourself. Life is no shortage of challenges, whether it is career success, a happy family or a better "version" of your own, that is the strong motivation for you to constantly learn. ask every day.
In this article, let's read some inspirational phrases from famous people in the world who have done so many great things to have more motivation to learn. Don't forget to bookmark them so that when you feel like you know too much, watch them to realize that the things you already know are too few.
1. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving - Albert Einstein
Life is like cycling. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
2. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn if you were to live forever - Mahatma Gandhi
Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever.
3. Life is a succession của việc cần phải xác thực để xác thực. - Helen Keller
Life is a series of lessons you need to live to understand.
4. The more bạn đọc, các nhiều các việc bạn sẽ biết. Bạn có thể biết, các nhiều các bạn sẽ đi - Dr. Seuss
The more you read, the more you know. The more you study, the more you go.
5. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Vị trí trọng không phải để đóng câu hỏi - Albert Einstein
Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The most important thing is to constantly ask questions.
6. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, enlist me and I learn - Benjamin Franklin
Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Let me do it and I will learn.
7. The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. Tình trạng của tình trạng cần chuyển đổi. The challenge of life is to overv. Tập tin: cơ sở dữ liệu này Cấu hình cơ sở dữ liệu là để tạo. The secret of life is to dare. Người dùng spice cần được befriend. The beauty of life is to give - William Arthur Ward
The adventure of life is learning. The purpose of life is maturity. The nature of life is change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is caring. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to do it. The taste of life is to help. The beauty of life is giving.
8. Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing - William Arthur Ward
Learn when others sleep; labor when others are lazy; prepare when others play; and there is a dream when others only desire.
9. We must be silent before we can listen. We have to listen before we can learn. Bạn cần phải biết trước khi chúng thể làm việc. Bạn cần phải làm việc trước khi không thể SERV. We must serve before we can lead - William Arthur Ward
We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead the way.
10. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all - Groucho Marx
Learn from the mistakes of others. You will never live long enough to commit all mistakes.
11. An investment in the best interest payment knowledge - Benjamin Franklin
Investing in knowledge brings the highest profit.
12. He that travels much knows much - Thomas Fuller
People go much to understand.
13. Learn to . be what you are, and learn to resign with a good attitude - Henri Frederic Amiel
Learn . learn to be yourself, and learn to give up with what you are not.
14. Being ignorant không phải là quá nhiều một shame, như đang được bỏ qua để biết - Benjamin Franklin
Ignorance is not as embarrassing as not learning.
15. Let ignorance talk as it will, learning has its value - La Fontaine
Let ignorance say what you want to say, learn from your values.
16. Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift - Albert Einstein
The joy of observation and comprehension is the most beautiful gift of creation.
17. No one lives long đủ để tìm thấy tất cả các chúng cần cần gỡ bỏ từ scratch. Để được thành công, bạn có đủ, có thể tìm các người dùng có người dùng đã có giá rẻ để biết cách làm việc mà chúng cần để biết đến việc our goals - Brian Tracy
Nobody lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn from the first point. To be successful, we absolutely must actively seek out those who have paid to learn what we need to achieve our goals.
18. To đọc để đọc được sang fire light; every syllable được gỡ bỏ là một Spark - Victor Hugo
Learning to read is grouping up the fire; each syllable spelled is sparks.
19. It is better to learn late than never - Publilius Syrus
Better to learn late than never study.
20. Try to learn something about everything và everything khác - Thomas Hardy
Learn a few things about everything and everything about a few things.
21. Still great a man's natural talent, the act of writing cannot learn all at once - Jean Jacques Rousseau
No matter how high a person's innate talent, we cannot learn all the art of writing at the same time.
22. The little I know I owe to my ignorance - Sacha Guitry
The little things I know from my ignorance.
23. Live and learn, or you don't live long - Robert A Heinlein
Live and learn, otherwise you can't live long.
24. Much learning shows how little mortals know; much wealth, how little wordings enjoy - Edward Young
Learning shows how little people are known; Richness shows how empty the words are.
25. It's a mistake để biết biết mà bạn đang còn mà bạn không có gì mới - Sophia Loren
It is a mistake to think that once you leave school, you never need to learn anything new.
26. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning - William Arthur Ward
Curiosity is the candle in the candle to learn.
27. He who knows not and không biết biết nó không phải là một fool, bạn không có thể biết với người dùng không biết biết thì bạn có thể không phải là nó, taught him - Isabel Burton
Who knows nothing and does not know that he does not know anything is a fool - stay away from him. He knows nothing and knows that he does not know what a simple person is - teach him.
28. Study on a kind of enchantment to all our surroundings - Balzac
Learn to appeal to the world around us.
29. Instead of learning from successes, learn from their mistakes. Most of people who fail to share common reasons (to fail) still succeed in being able to assign various types of reasons - Jack Ma
Instead of learning from the success of others, learn from their mistakes. Most people who fail will share common reasons for failure, while success is tied to different reasons.
30. When a wise man does not understand, he says: "I do not understand". The fool and the uncultured are ashamed of their ignorance. They remain silent when question can bring them wisdom - Frank Herbert
When a wise person doesn't understand, he says, "I don't understand." The fool and the uneducated person are ashamed of their ignorance. They are silent while the question can give them knowledge.
31. In my life, I've been lived I've loved, I've lost, I've missed, I've hurt, I've been trusted, I've made mistakes, but most of all, I've Learned - Anonymous
In my life, I lived, I fell in love, I was lost, I missed, I was hurt, I was trusted, I made a mistake, but above all, I learned.
32. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age - Aristotle
Learning is a ornament in the rich scene, a refuge in adversity, and a reserve at old age.
33. By seeking and blundering we learn - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Through search and stumbling, we learn.
34. If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting but I would have to decline, for life would be no longer teach me anything - Allyson Jones
If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would have been wonderful, but I would have to deny it, because life would no longer teach me.
35. There are some things you can give một người khác, và một số điều kiện không thể đưa ra, except như là bạn cần thiết đến Reach và lấy chúng, và pay price của làm chúng, một tên của bạn. Cấu hình chính này để kiểm tra, để tạo các tài nguyên, để xử lý knowledge, để acquiring skills, và đến các học học học của xa - Richard L Evans
There is something you can give to others, and there is something you cannot give him, unless he is willing to reach out and take it, and pay the price to make it a part of him. This principle is true for learning, developing talent, acquiring knowledge, training into skills, and learning all the lessons of life.
36. Learning never exhausts the mind - Leonardo da Vinci
Learning never causes intellectual exhaustion.
37. The greatest of all pleasures is pleasure in learning - Aristotle
The greatest pleasure in every pleasure is learning.
38 . Learning is not child play; không thể đọc mà không có kích cỡ - Aristotle
Learning is not a child's play; We cannot learn without pain.
39. How do you know so much about everything? ' đã được yêu cầu của một nhiều wise and intelligent man; and the answer was' By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions like nào nào nào không được bỏ qua - John Abbott
How do you know about everything so much? ' Some people ask a very intelligent and wise person; And the answer is' Thanks to never being scared or embarrassed when asking questions about anything I don't know.
40. Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets - Leonardo da Vinci
Learning is the only thing that wisdom never gets tired of, never afraid of, and never regrets.
41. Learning acquires youth arrests the evil of old age; và khi bạn biết mà cũ old có đối tượng cho dữ liệu nó, bạn sẽ tương ứng để làm việc này trong thời gian này sẽ không có quyền cho nourishment.
Learning in youth will drive away the badness of old age; and if you understand that old age takes wisdom as food, you will orient yourself in youth so that your old age will not be malnourished.
42. You don't have to have all the right answers. Bạn có thể được chỉ có thể chọn học - Katrina Mayer
You do not need to have all the correct answers. You just need to be willing to learn.
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