How does a mechanical keyboard work?

Mechanical keyboards are more expensive than regular keyboards, but gamers and writers often prefer them. So you might be wondering, what is a mechanical keyboard and how does it work?

Most people don't think much about their computer keyboard. But as a daily use, the keyboard can really make a difference when you interact with it.

Many 'tech' people love mechanical keyboards. This keyboard is more expensive than a regular keyboard, but gamers and writers often prefer it. So you might be wondering, what is a mechanical keyboard and how does it work? Find the answer through the following article!

How does a traditional keyboard work?

Mechanical keyboard is different from a traditional keyboard. Traditional keyboards are called rubber dome keyboards and they consist of plastic film layers. When you press a key, a rubber switch pushes through a hole in the membrane and forms a complete circuit, then sends the input signal to the computer.

How does a mechanical keyboard work? Picture 1How does a mechanical keyboard work? Picture 1 Traditional keyboard

The advantage of these keyboards is that they are cheap and resistant to spilling liquids (the typical example is the keyboard you find on laptops).

However, those who have to type a lot or play games often find the rubber dome keyboard very uncomfortable. They lack the distinct click feel when you press the key. Instead, it makes the user feel like pressing down on a soft material. This means that it takes more effort to type and the results are less accurate.

How does a mechanical keyboard work?

The above drawback is why serious users often prefer mechanical keyboards. These keyboards do not use a rubber surround system. Instead, they have a switch with an internal spring, located below the keys. When you press a key, the spring is pushed down to connect the circuit.

How does a mechanical keyboard work? Picture 2How does a mechanical keyboard work? Picture 2 Mechanical keyboard

This is why such keyboards are called 'mechanical', as they have physical mechanism (springs) to connect the circuit. Mechanical keyboards may look like rubber dome keyboards, because they may have the same key cover. But the feeling of pressing down on the spring is different from pressing on the rubber arch.

Many people find the mechanical keyboard more comfortable to interact with, as well as making typing more accurate.

Mechanical keyboards are more expensive than regular keyboards. But if you type or play a lot of games, accuracy and ease of use can make mechanical keyboards a worthwhile investment.

If you can't find the perfect perfect keyboard for your needs, why not create your own custom keyboard? Refer to the article: Creating a mechanical keyboard is not difficult for more details.

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