Mango pudding with 2 colors after finishing
Once the pudding is frozen, take it out and enjoy it now!
So we have finished making 2 green tea pudding and two color mango pudding !
Good luck !
As you all know, pudding is a quite delicious dessert cake with a greasy, sweet and delicious flavor.This is a pretty delicious cake that you should try making for your family, your friends or the Your baby loves it. This cake is not only delicious, but the way to make it is also very simple. You do not hesitate to try it right away!
Bread pudding is a type of cake is quite diverse and rich in flavor as well as color sac.Hom now we will send you recipes for two kinds of pudding delicious, simple 100% success at home.
The first is the cake pudding green tea super delicious fragrant luon.Mon this cake-scented green tea has just cool, calm and fatty fatty sweet bread pudding .
The ingredients are all set, now let's start making the green tea pudding !
Step 1:
Put 100 grams of sugar in a large bowl, pour 10 grams of green tea powder, 20 grams of cornstarch and mix thoroughly, then pour 200 ml of fresh milk cream and mix well. then add 400 ml of fresh milk and 2 egg yolks into the mixture and whisk well until the mixture dissolves and mix well.You use a strainer to filter through the mixture to make it smooth and smooth. No rabies.
Step 2:
20 grams of leaf-bought gelatin is then soaked in ice water for 10 to 15 minutes!
Step 3:
Put in a saucepan, pour the egg mixture, green tea powder and cornstarch just before and stir. Heat the mixture on medium heat. After 5 to 10 minutes, remove 20 grams of gelatin soaked with anise ice and then stir well until gelatin is dissolved. Put in 2 tubes of vanilla powder (or 1 teaspoon of liquid) and stir well. Cook the mixture for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
Allow the mixture to cool for a period of 5 to 10 minutes, then pour the mixture into each mold and cover, place in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours to allow the pudding to solidify!
How to make green tea pudding, how to make 2-color mango pudding Picture 1
Mix the pudding after cooking, scoop it out
After 3 to 4 hours, take the cake and enjoy it right away!
How to make green tea pudding, how to make 2-color mango pudding Picture 2 take out the pudding and take it to your liking (it can be eaten with fruits)
The second pudding is just as delicious as the green tea pudding, it's a two-color mango pudding !
Step 1 :
You soak 15 grams of gelatin in ice water for 10 to 15 minutes,
Step 2:
You beat 2 chicken egg yolks into a bowl, add 100 ml of fresh milk cream, 50 grams of sugar, 200 ml of fresh milk, 2 tubes of vanilla (or 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla) and mix well to combine. Once you've mixed the ingredients together, strain the mixture through a strainer and strain the mixture to make the mixture smooth and free from pigments. Pour the mixture into the saucepan over medium heat. Remember to stir the mixture evenly during cooking, after 5 minutes, you add 10 grams of soaked gelatin, stir until gelatin dissolves and then cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off the heat. (about 5 to 10 minutes, if the mixture is too long, the mixture will freeze there) then you pour the mixture into the mold and let it cool for about 1 hour.
How to make green tea pudding, how to make 2-color mango pudding Picture 3
Mix to make a white pudding layer
Step 3:
Mango bought, washed, peeled, removed and removed.
Add 5gram of gelatin that was soaked and then melted.
Put the mango in the blender, pour melted gelatin, yogurt, 20 grams of sugar and puree, then you pour this mixture into the pudding layer that has been frozen after 1 hour before and bring the cake to the refrigerator for a period of time. Allow 2-3 hours for the pudding to set.
How to make green tea pudding, how to make 2-color mango pudding Picture 4
Mango pudding with 2 colors after finishing
Once the pudding is frozen, take it out and enjoy it now!
So we have finished making 2 green tea pudding and two color mango pudding !
Good luck !